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Updated thread with the full code!
Quote: Originally Posted by CalvinC You also tried looking in OnPlayerSpawn, or maybe OnPlayerRequestClass? I don't see how that can set different random locations. I didn't tried it ye...
Quote: Originally Posted by CalvinC Maybe you have some other SetPlayerPos code, or is that all you have? That's all I have. :C
Hey! I'm trying to spawn a player at a specific location after logging-in on a dialog. Altho the player gets spawned at random locations.. This is my (full)code: Код: #include <a_samp> #i...
There's a vehicle array around. Loop through it and you will be able tot use it for all the vehicles.
Oh my god.. I'm seeing it now.. output[i] should have been output[1] since I need the second part.. *FACEPALM* Thanks for the help!
Hey! My apologise for being so stupid. Ofcourse it's Pawn, but I've seen several websites using the word 'Pawno'. But it's an IDE. I'm using strexplode for splitting the string in several parts. So I...
So I just started today making a little command system. Altho I'm from JAVA, I've understood a few things in pawno. Everything was going fine untill the loop didn't loop through all the elements in th...
Quote: Originally Posted by Youice okay, here is an example: pawn Код: new result[185], //185 is the limited of the stringname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //defining whole the player's nameGetPl...
Quote: Originally Posted by HuSs3n did you check this page? i think it explains it very well Yes I already visited that page , I always do before p...
Can someone explain me better the Parameters of the statement Format? I used to to code in c# , and there it is just , int.parse(string); Thanks! Greetz, Just1c3!
Quote: Originally Posted by James_Nick or if you can't do this contact me on skype james_rick1 and i will help you Already tried that, and added ya!
Can u guys helping port forwarding my samp server? Is the connection trough udp or tcp , I both tried them. Still doesn't the server work. Turned my firewall off. Still... no. Would be great if so...
Quote: Originally Posted by carz0159 it depends how many slots... but 100 slots should be fine Should 150 , or 250 too be fine? Because I want to run a 150 server.
Quote: Originally Posted by Ranama Well, It depends on what you wanna create I don't realy know, if you want to create a gamemode you should start scripting, and well the first thing you ...
Hello guys, I'm learning c# now for 2 years, and I know .net framework pretty good now. Developed some sites. And know the basic stuff in PHP. Could u guys , suggest me what to do? I really want t...
Hello Fellows, I've a question for you guys. If I might buy this vps Specs: 1024 MB RAM + 2000 gb data 100 GB Harde Schijf 30 GB Externe Back-up Ruimte 30 Snapshots IPv4 & Onbeperkt IPv6 Ad...