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Quote: Originally Posted by ChrisYo As i said,ill edit the topic when i upload it,still same problems with net,next week probably. Sorry + thanks (: EDITED Link please?
Look what I found in the previous message created by me: { SetPlayerCheckpoint (playerid, 946.09997558594, -1416,13.199999809265, 2); SendClientMessageEx (playerid, Color_White, "is marked on the rad...
Is it possible that this part of the problem which is wrong or missing a} or {...? Just added some more to truckers in the CMD /buscarjob teleport in dialogues (in bold and orange) P a w n o ...
DOUBT OF SPANISH TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH BY ****** TRANSLATE. If you do not understand something let me know. Hey, how about ... I recently modifying the Work Truck. Edit all checkpoints, mapicons, tex...
Si lo resolvistes, te importaria si nos pondrias aca la funciуn / texto que pusistes para ello? Tu solucion puede ser la pregunta de otro.
VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!! 10/10 !! Good, and you, when tipe the command /fsave you can to load the gps in this moment! you dont need to relog or.... THANKS,
ENGLISH: I have a script they have a Motorcycle across the City. Ie the side of the base LSPD. In the Server are the bikes and it works. But what is strange to me is that they are on SALE. And the p...
But why one gate is Working, and the other No? Where i can download the streamer
First, the Image: of my faction with the door.[/B] I had seen a person in this community who also posted the same thing, here you have the link of His Post. He also left his video (which shows m...