Help with Motorcycles for Sale / Rent ll


I have a script they have a Motorcycle across the City. Ie the side of the base LSPD.

In the Server are the bikes and it works.
But what is strange to me is that they are on SALE.
And the price is $ 3,000,000 ... Very much!

What I want is that at least are as follows:
First Option:
- Who would be rent and I can edit the price with the GameMode.

Second Option:
- Let every player can ride a bike without paying or buying. In other Words: Free Motorcycle Riding



AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1455.80175781, -1725.03027344,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1459.31079102, -1725.00952148,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1462.31054688, -1725.04541016,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1465.56054688, -1725.08459473,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1492.06054688, -1724.64404297,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1496.31054688, -1724.57299805,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1499.81054688, -1724.51416016,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1503.31054688, -1724.45556641,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900

I got this code where I found the codes: AddStaticVehicleEx like.

And the cars occupy those places factions.

I want a new Script with these motorcycles, but with other Price to rent


Tengo un Script que tiene unas motocicletas a travйs del Ayuntamiento. Es decir, el lado de la LSPD base.

En el servidor las motos si aparecen, pero al subirte a ellas te pone que....:
Pero lo que me extraсa es que estбn a la venta.
Y el precio es de $ 3.000.000 ... ЎMuchнsimo!

Lo que quiero es que al menos son los siguientes:
Primera opciуn:
- Que la gente pueda subirse a ella y pagar un Precio determinado para Rentarla.

Segunda opciуn:
- Que cada jugador puede andar en bicicleta sin tener que pagar o comprar. En otras palabras: Montar en Moto GRATIS



AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1455.80175781, -1725.03027344,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1459.31079102, -1725.00952148,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1462.31054688, -1725.04541016,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1465.56054688, -1725.08459473,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1492.06054688, -1724.64404297,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1496.31054688, -1724.57299805,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1499.81054688, -1724.51416016,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900
AddStaticVehicleEx (521,1503.31054688, -1724.45556641,13.20725250,180.00000000, -1,1,15) / / FCR-900

Tengo montado este cуdigo en donde me encontrй con los cуdigos: AddStaticVehicleEx .

Por esa zona se encuentran los Coches de Facciones

Quiero un script igual a ese, pero con un precio menor de renta


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