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I need the floats for the SetPlayerAttachedObject command for a mask, that will appear on the skins face. Thanks.
Because the place is only an example xD i think i'll do it but the script is for the hunger...
Ahahah, yes, its very easy , but useful for roleplays .
.: Hunger System :. .: Description :. This is a hunger system. After every spawn, after 600000 miliseconds, you'll lose 15% of your hunger (that you can see with /hungerInfo or /hin)... You can eat wi...
Hi, can you help me to create a script for cars towing? I need a script by which i can tow (by a command or key) cars with the vehicle ID 525. Sorry if i wrong the grammar. Thanks.
i've created a FS with this tutorial but te Text Draw doesn't show D:
Sprry, i don't know how to add new ownable cars... there is a command like /createcar? i found only /veh but i can't create ownable cars... please help me!