Search Results
Hi guys, I have been searching adv. car system for my role play server for a while. But i couldnt find.. can anyone help me ?
I have teamviewer, if you want you can check ?
Код: public SetPlayerSpawn(playerid) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 1 ) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBiggestFi...
Hi everyone. I have one of old mod from 2013.. I decided to open and play with. I upgrade all files. Everything looks great. But when i write my password, char connect to server but you can't do any...
Here is the contact section, is there any problem ? Код: SaveContacts(playerid) { for (new t = 1; t < MAX_CONTACTS; t ++) { if (!strlen(PhoneContactData[playerid][t][phone_ContactNu...
Sorry for that, i edit code type. So what should i do ? should i remove SaveContacts(playerid); on that line ?
Код: stock SavePlayer(playerid) { printf("x"); GetPlayerPos(playerid, CharacterData[playerid][pPosition][0], CharacterData[playerid][pPosition][1], CharacterData[playerid][pPosition][2]); GetPl...
Hi guys. I'm using liberty gm. Код: [16:12:34] Deboeg [16:12:34] Deboeg [16:12:34] Debug: Hello_Mana [16:12:34] Error #2013 - Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query | Query: UPDATE...
I did everything.. But; [13:06:33] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [13:06:33] [MYSQL]: Connection to `knighto1_oba`@'' succesful! [13:06:33]...
Hi guys, I have a little code but it has some little problem too.. Normally we are using ''NumPad'' for this script but some of my players are using laptops so they can not use it.. I just wanna cha...
I think i have some problem with my code's timers.. SetTimer("SahipKontrol",3000,1); SetTimer("SahipKontrol2",3000,1); Second one is not working like first. I dont know how can i fix it but i tho...
When i click ''buy'', nothing happens.. how can i buy it?
Yeah guys.. Before spawning, we r hearing some 'Piccchuv' death voice and then charackter will spawn normally. But we have some death system.. So it's really big problem for us.. How can i find this ...
thats not good idea for us :/ ok guys thanks
We are trying to hide or remove that health and armor bar.. Can anyone help us ?
I have textdraw and its working.. but just when i use /stats i can see it =) thats why i shared that code, because just it stays under the 'show stats' public.. So if i move this code o OnGameModeInÄ...