06.12.2015, 20:32
Last edited by donsta3000; 09/05/2017 at 08:27 PM.
Small County Roleplay
IntroGood day! Today I've decided to release my samp gamemode as I have no intention of starting my server (I've lost most of my interest in SAMP). This gamemode has been sitting on my hard-drive for like half a year, in that time I haven't kept up with anything samp related soooo yeah, there may be a few issues.
This is a unique script, but it is by no means finished, so whoever picks this up is going to need to do some work! I've made the repository public and so I guess (dependent on how generous I'm feeling) I will fix issues if you point them out on there! I don't think the script is too hard to understand, but IDK. Anyway, without further ado, Small County RP!
You are going to have to forgive me if I leave things out/am rusty on what things do - I've literally abandoned this project.
Master Account System
Users can register for a 'master account' which is the account used to register their characters. In theory you can have as many characters as you want, but I've limited it to 3 (I think).
Dynamic Faction System
Factions can be fully created and edited in-game. You can dynamically change any aspect of a faction within the faction manager. Factions can have faction vehicles, which can easily be restricted to certain ranks. Faction leaders can change the names of their ranks etc. You can also change how many ranks a faction has, and the point at which certain commands become available.
I have also made an almost fully functional police faction with an array of commands. There is also a law enforcement weapon system, where they have to buy all their weapons above their service pistol via their weapon cache, everything is logged and is able to be view in the police national computer. The PNC can be used to search any vehicle/player and post warrant etc.
Dynamic House System
Houses can be created anywhere in-game by an admin with high enough privileges. There is a list of predefined interiors, however you can easily set house interiors to something custom as I used a dynamic coordinate based system. Unfortunately I haven't implemented a furniture system BUT that shouldn't be too hard to do, seeing as there is a custom mapping system.
Dynamic Business System
Businesses work similar to the housing system, you can have custom interiors, businesses can have an umbrella role of e.g a general store - which give them the generic commands related to that business. Businesses each have their own 'safe' where any earning from the business accumulate (including payday earnings) & can be withdrawn at any time. There is no stock system as of yet. I did start on a new and improved businessmanager but I'm not sure if I finished it...
Dynamic Mapping System
This, from memory is a bit finicky but none the less it allows admins to map objects in game - great for aesthetic features. Any object can be spawned in via the related commands.
Dynamic Icon System
Icons are a big part of this script as they enable dynamic functionality. Icons are used for tasks such as placing a dmv start point, bank desk, car scrap point - anything like that. They are very useful can can be easily moved & name tagged.
Payday System
Inside the bank there is a counter where you can collect your paycheck. Paychecks can be earned through doing sidejobs (there aren't many of these), after which you get paid, not into your hand but via the paycheck system. You can also receive money & XP form your businesses/through welfare by playing more than 30mins, each hour. There is a limit to how much money you can accumulate in the payday system. As mentioned beforehand there is also a leveling system, so you can restrict certain activities to experienced members.
Weapons System
There isn't really a fully functional weapon system, I guess you could implement something into ammunition. But I believe I started on an 'internet' based weapon system - you would have to know the specific URL to a special site in order to order weapons - but this was never finished (pl0x finish someone).
And much more...
There are plenty of things that I've left out here quite simply because I couldn't remember them/cba to write about them - but take a look at the script & find out for yourself!
There are plenty of administrator commands, which will be listed below. There is also a basic anti cheat for weapons & such (not entirely tested but I'm pretty sure it works).
I don't think I have the patience to write them all out BUT I will just paste the commands I already have written out! But in terms of commands the most useful admin command is /setp - it can be used to set almost anything related to the player!
Chat Commands: /me /do /b /(s)hout /(l)ow /(w)hisper Vehicle Commands: /(e)ngine /lights /vmusic /myvehicles Purchasing Commands: /buy /buyhouse /buybiz Other Commands: /stats /inventory /changeaccountpassword /(clearanim)ation /changespawn Help Commands: /fhelp /bhelp /phelp /rhelp /animlist ADMIN CMDS ADMIN LVL 1:[/adminduty][/binfo][/kick][/ban][/(un)freeze][/(down)slap][/(un)mute][/(announce)ment] ADMIN LVL 1:[/setplayer [id] [option]] ADMIN LVL 1: options-> [health][armour][level][skinvw][inteior][age][gender] ADMIN LVL 2:[/gotoh][/gotoi][/gotob][/gotov][/gotop][/getp][/getv][/giveweapon][/resetweapons] ADMIN LVL 3:[/deletepv][/vehicle][/delv][/delvall][/fvreload] ADMIN LVL 4:[/sethouse][/seticon][/setveh][/settime] ADMIN LVL 5:[/createfv][/deletefv][/factionmanager][/businessmanager][/iconmanager] ADMIN LVL 5:[/setplayer [id] [option]] ADMIN LVL 5: options-> [faction][rank][job][hentered][bentered]
[strike]My advice for installation is going to be limited, partially because I can't remember how to install half the rubbish - partly because I can't be bother, but none the less here it goes![/strike]
I suggest you take a look at the repository and download the lasted version under the 'Tags' section. This will contain all the files you could possibly need to get started!
If anyone does want to contribute/fix - do go ahead & fork it!
1. What you will need to do in order to get this working (after downloading the latest version) is set up the MYSQL database. You can download the DATABASE here.
2. Import that into your mysql database.
3. Next you will have to locate the server's connection file. It is situated in \gamemodes\modules\server\connection.pwn. Open that up and edit the MYSQL details to your liking.
4. Now, using pawno compile the server (from SCRP-R39.pwn NOT from the connection file!)...
5. If I'm not mistaken - the server should now work now!
Version History -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Known Issues
- The quiz needs some attention, I believe questions can come up more than once!
Closing Remarks
I hope this post wasn't too long - I thought I should be thorough as this script has potential! I would love to see other people contributing to the repository, maybe you can teach me a trick or two! Again I must stress that this project is a work in progress (even though I don't work on it anymore(yet)) so there will be bugs/glitches. I hope you enjoy it!