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San Andreas? 13.9 square miles.
Try using TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1); along with ClearAnimations.
It honestly doesn't matter here whether it is a public or stock. You're using unnecessary } after every if(PlayerToPoint). Try this: Код: public IsAtGasStation(playerid) { if(IsPlayerConnecte...
Either do what the person above me said, or get some guts, open pawno.exe and start thinking. You want to automatically find out whether the person is AFK or not. Well, the easiest way how to do this...
As I stated in previous thread, this is mostly caused by missing a closing } somewhere, try checking all the publics and commands whethere there is a missing bar.
If you can't explain your problem properly, try your luck at, you might get help there in your language.
Don't listen to him please. Your friend is most-likely missing the closing } somewhere, that's why is the compiler crashing mostly. You should check all the publics and commands for missing bars.
Thanks for effort, I'll keep on searching then.
Because I've got more those "something's" in the script, it's like /lol something1 or /lol something2 etc. What you just did is not what I'm looking for..
Quote: Originally Posted by |_ⒾⓇⓄN_ⒹⓄG_| use zcmd, ycmd or dcmd... its a lot easier Thanks a lot mister Obvious, now I would like to solve my problem how it is now. (sorry if...
Shows two SERVER: Unknown command now. I honestly can't understand what's wrong...
Hi. I've got a simple command defined like Код: if(!strcmp("/lol", cmdtext, true, 11)) { which works without any problem. However, when I use strcmp inside it, it always returns 0; - meaning it ...
Of course I got it defined... Код: new Text:lol= Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
Simply, I have this TextDraw in my script and it doesn't show up. It is defind normally in OnFilterScriptInit Код: lol= TextDrawCreate(547, 40, "~b~[lol]"); TextDrawLetterSize(lol, 0.5, 1.5); Tex...
I don't want a SendClientMessage there, I want to return that value. You know, somebody might be using ProxDetector or his own SendClientMessage in OnPlayerText, so he will need to change it, I just w...
Hello. I'm working on a function for my server, however I always get an error, telling me I can't return a string in a public function. I tried to put the string into strlen(), which showed no result ...
It's an /unban command, and looks like this: Код: if(strcmp(cmd, "/unban", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { tmp = strtok(cmdtext,idx); if(pAdmin[...