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Dear users, I've encountered a problem. I was editing this script I got and suddenly my objects and pickups don't load anymore since I made a couple of changes in the .cfg file. This is the command ...
It's working again.. I don't know what the problem was! Thanks anyways people.
They are streamed. And seriously it complies fine but when I connect it just doesn't shows any pickups or objects.. It's really strange?
Dear people, I've edited some things in my script but since those edits I don't see any objects anymore.. And also no pickups. Everything was working before those small updates. And the script compli...
Quote: Originally Posted by XGh0stz I thought the video was alright (Maybe it was changed by the time I viewed it?), but most people don't like the idea of watching a certain scene for too...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kwarde I don't care about the music, I have the sound of ******* disabled standard, unless if I wanna listen music offcourse I don't like the 'flashing screens...
Thanks everyone for their opinion. I'm creating a new "city". It's not that -BIG- yet. But if the server is launched I'll keep updating the map with new parts and such. @Kwarde, give me some feedback ...
Dear people, Like some of the people around here already know, I'm working on a new project. I wouldn't say it's UNIQUE since people are screaming that word all-over the forums. Now, I'm creating a n...
Dear users, I've tried alot of things but this one is getting on my nervous. Can anyone PM me if they want to offer some help. I can send pieces of my script so we can work it out. Thanks already for...
Yeah, it's what you said, but you can easily add some timers to make it look more "RPish". ( If that's what he wants to reach )
Use timers so you can also make a small RP scene?
Put the frame limiter "OFF" in the San Andreas options.
Forward your port and it'll be fine.
Try to search around the wiki page, alot of information is located there.