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I have not tested it but i think it will work if you create that object before you shot/runing the "OnPlayerWeaponShot" callback
I think that is not possible, actually you don't need to do that because the jetpack is only visible for the player that has take down it (pressed enter - stoped the special animation)...
Bitno je da nas ima (nisam nikad bio siguran koliko ima aktivnih balkanaca od ukidanja boarda), ostalo ćemo sve riješiti
Hello, I have send this request few time and get no response. Now, I am posting here a thread because i saw here an thread on a EX-YU (Bosnian, croatian and serbian) language. Before there was an EX...
Does the player get freezed? Try to set a variable after death and on the spawn freeze and set the player pos Код: new PlayerDied[MAX_PLAYERS]; public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { PlayerDied[play...
Quote: Originally Posted by Cookland The screenshots are in a different language so I'm presuming the script is too. I have noticed that the script is in another language! Quote: ...
Bayside Roleplay Hello, before some time I have started a basic script with some dynamic features, the script that I startet to made is "Bayside Roleplay". You can notice that there is just the vers...
Quote: Originally Posted by XStormiest That's nice, I dont usually put so much efforts into the look of a script, i like clean and original scripts wich works. But this is nice, I mean it ...
On my old project "Generation Gaming" i have use it for a guide through the server, a newbie guide (/help | images), a command list (/cmds | images), when you get a new job i used to explain the job ...
Guide system (V 1.0): Hello, I'm releasing my guide system that I have used on my old Generation Roleplay project Some screens or video: The guide looks like: The structure of the guide is:...
In time when the map was made it was awesome, now it's a litle old but still good I'm waiting for a release of your maps like this one Jost do...
Features of the system: Command processor: ZCMD Includes: sscanf2, GetVehicleColor Info: I have started to script a tuning system I because a haven't share something a long time I want to release...
Update your streamer plugin, i had that problem when i was changing the client version (i think it was when 0.3e came out)
Quote: Originally Posted by msvu Hey, I'm using this tutorial on how to make capture zones but I don't know how to add more zones. I tried like this public Код: OnGameModeInit() { ...
I had a similar problem when i started a script from scratch.... I have created a variable with an enum and my the script size was about 20MB, when i find it out that i have a problem with the enum w...
In the first 4 cases you use the variable "Fuel[o]" and in the last case you use the variable "Gorivo[o]" maybe is that your mistake...