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Can the developers take into consideration adding personal weather, personal time for the next release? It is in wargrounds, aadeathzone and as far as i know, everyone likes it.
If you want to play online games then forget mobile internet. Get ethernet connection from many isp available to you. Go to ****** and research on it. Pick out your plan and go for it. Mobile connecti...
nope no server like gta:t
does it matter?? anyway i played gta sa and completed it in when i was 12 and then i i found samp cuz i ******d gta sa multiplayer and i didn't expect any result but i did... at that time india had lo...
Reinstall gta. Don't judge samp live atm coz its still beta. If you still got problem ask for support on their site
I once got "unable to execute" error. I made another account on my laptop and it worked properly. Try it and post your result.
Thats so awesome. Really very well done <3 Keep up the good work