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Quote: Originally Posted by Mean ...Soccer, football (american),... Man, you're from Croatia and you should know that football is a game played with your foot and you kick the ball. On...
Show us the line 397. But you should probably leave that warning as it is(for now), and optimize your script!
I think he meant to say that you failed to censor servers name.
You can start the server on any port you want, as long that port is free and able to run server. (I'm running it on :3443 without any problems)... Put "announce" to 1 in your server.cfg file.
Quote: Originally Posted by Miralem Off Topic.. LOL the person with the highest post count is the Ex-Yu Moderator facist neonazi guy...... (Link , check his profile picture on the forums ...
If someone can teach you PHP for free and online that will be Bucky! Give him a chance, he's the best one you'll find...
If the server is good, there will always be someone who wants to play on your server.
Like this: pawn Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]){    if (strcmp("/mycommand", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)    {        // Do something here        return 1;    }   ...
Let's assume that player want to enter PD station in LS. So he's stands in front of PD doors and writes a command like /enter. Now, that code I gave you is just an simple example of that enter command...
You just have to teleport player when he enters command (/enter?). Something like: pawn Код: if (strcmp("/enter", cmdtext, true) == 0)    {        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, Float:...
I think KEY_LEFT is predefined. Quote: Originally Posted by danodanodano Write at the top of the script Код: #define KEY_LEFT I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this...
Here you go. Then you can just set the timer to toggle spectating off.
This IsNumeric() function will work just fine.
Well, player can select their own language like Italian, French... But you'll have to put some extra work to that.
I really like that idea, and I don't see why would that be complicated. Everyone will get used to this if system won't fail much... I tried to make something like that a little bit simpler, but there ...
Yeah, use timers. Edit: SetTimerEx() and SetTimer().
Try it and you'll find out. EDIT: But notice that if you create object after counting them like: pawn Код: CreateDynamicObject()....    CreateDynamicObject()....    CreateDynamicObject()....Â...
There is a native function for that. pawn Код: native CountDynamicObjects();
This one is pretty good.