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Quote: Originally Posted by Grumbleduck There are also a lot of upcoming new servers on their way (like my own). And unfortunately, as you can see, I just don't have the rep to even begin ...
Quote: Originally Posted by StuartD You can try emailing: ( I think thats the email ) Thank you. I will send it now.
Who can I speak to about getting a person's banned from SAMP. And his server taken down (its also filled with bots) He is DDoSing ALL servers hosted by ColorHost. and we are all going down for 6 hou...
I have messaged Kevin on skype, he hasnt replied yet.
I know we are going to have to but I like our Host. Can you do me a favor. can you access We cant still.
I just got sent this: Also I wonder if anyone can tell when the DDoS Started?
His username on here is Superhot. He was removed from UKGaming Servers for using bots to trick players into joining the servers. One of the other owners rem...
I dont exactly like the that mapping BUT I like the skills you have of making things aline well, and the objects match. So I liked it. Good work.
I used to be EA on that server, I know a few people who DDoS that server that are past admin that have been fired because they do there job, To stop the DDoS attack, Let admin do there jobs. If i knew...
Resolution made mine work. Aslo Potassium.. Love the signature.. Its hard to find Australian players.. Brisbane has near no SAMP Players.
Has anyone else unable to use there forums? Quote: Unable to connect Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at The site could be tem...
100% agree. I have gotten to the point where RP servers shit me off. I have stopped playing SAMP until i come across a REAL ROLE PLAY Server.
Nice, not the best as you said but its up there with the good ones, keep up the good work 8.5/10
Jrockie, What is the 'LOL.' for? mocking others for try is a bad habit. At lease he/she is trying. unlike some who rather steal GM's then create their own. Im going to test now and get back to you J...
Quote: Originally Posted by Arsham7 take out the level system and payday system, and that will make it unique . i cant stand people making new scripts but redoing the same goddam thing Go...
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince No screens, no downloads. I must agree with Vince, I map for RP servers and none of the server's I have ever mapped for would let me map for there serv...
Quote: Originally Posted by Tidzii I found a bug In the server when i Login as Cop with gun's the server keep spammming "[AC] : Tidzii maybe Have Gun cheat /spec him NOW!" "[AC] : Tidzii...
Its different. i shall test it. ill get back to you with my comments later.
Very nice, hoping to see it used on dylanando server so i can use it. 8/10