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Quote: Originally Posted by RayW It's possible when you combine this mod with an ASI loader. Thanks! Been wanting to play at 1920x1080 for a long time.
I've managed to get rid of my heap stack warnings, and still waiting to test it. After the next day: Quote: Memory usage: 263.3 mb We had a full server last night, so every vari...
As i said i'm only using 1 plugin which is mysql from gstylez (updated to the latest version) I also forgot to mention i have #pragma dynamic in my script (its currently as low as possible, i do have...
Hi Joe, thanks for the reply. Now, i currently am only using 2 timers that updates arrays (syncing the clock for everyone, and player ranks (how long they have played)) I've checked over the rest of ...
When i first start up my server it uses around 10-15 MB of ram and stays around that area even with a good 25-30 players online. But, after a couple of hours the ram will increase to up to 70-80MB (ev...
A quick way would be to set a timer that checks the connection of the mysql every 5-10minutes. pawn Code: forward CheckMySQL();public CheckMySQL(){   if (!mysql_ping())   {     mysql_connect(...
I'm making some sort of trucking mini-mission and was wondering if its possible to make trailers occupied (as they are unoccupied) so the health can decrease. The player will loose money for any trail...
You can quickly fix it by using functions with each query that will check if you are connected still. Код: stock MySQL() { if (!mysql_ping()) { print("Reconnecting to database."); mysql_c...
You have to edit the code he sent you to get it working...
before running the query check if you are still connected to the database. Код: CMD:test1(playerid, params[]) { if (mysql_ping()) { new string[256]; format(string,sizeof(string),"INSERT INT...
When the player types /buyprop (or your own buy property command) you should use: Код: Update3DTextLabelText(Text3D:id, color, text[])
pawn Код: if (classid == 106 || classid == skinid || classid == skinid) {
pawn Код: public vcheck(playerid){    if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid))    {        new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);        new Float:VehHealth;        GetVehicleHea...
pawn Код: // OnGameModeInitfor (new playerid = 0; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++){    SetTimerEx("vcheck", 500, 1, "i", playerid);}// Anywhereforward vcheck(playerid);public vcheck(player...
try changing pawn Код: format(LastMessage[playerid], sizeof(LastMessage[]), text); to pawn Код: format(LastMessage[playerid], sizeof(LastMessage[]), "%s", text);
pawn Код: case 0:{    if(gTeam(playerid) == 2) {        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 999, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Police Arms","Shotgun\nSMG\nM4\nArmour", "Submit", "Cancel");    }}
Pastebin link added!
Press TAB on your keyboard to indent your code.
Thanks guys, and i only know this will work when your headlights come on automatically (defaul san andreas) which is around 9-6.
for 60 variables use pawn Код: new Text[60]; then use pawn Код: Text[0] = ..........Text[1] = ..........Text[2] = .......... and so on.