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Hello, last night i banned a person from entering my server, and I have a few questions about what happened. I banned him, then he came in on a proxy and abused myself and everyone on the server. Fi...
pawn Код: CMD:end(playerid, params[]){    new pname[24];    GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));    if(strcmp(pname,runner) != 0) // use != for "not the same"        return Sen...
Then simply: pawn Код: if(strcmp(pname,runner) == 0){    //player is runner}
Hello, I am working on a property script, and have made a function, but it does not compile, I am trying to make it so that it returns "Nobody" pawn Код: stock GetPropertyOwnerName(property[]){...
Yes! thanks alot, you have saved me a lot of trouble.
I have just created a function that is suppose to return 1 if the player is near an atm. pawn Code: new Float:ATM[][3] =    {        {1928.62145996,-1780.08044434,13.18977451},        {928...
Sorry, still doesn't seem to be working, the SendClientMessage delivers the correct text, just the textdraw doesn't
Thanks, I have solved the problem, but not in the way i had hoped, I have put the timer under OnPlayerConnect, so now a timer gets created everytime someone connects, it seems to be working alright, ...
That would work, but I'm trying to get a timer working, so that way, in the future I can add lines to the stats bar, like, minutes online, hours online, current level etc. Also, I have been messing a...
Why would you think, "Scripting Discussion" would be the most suitable category to ask this question?
Simply does not work, unfortunately, That is a 3 second timer, so repeatedly showing the textdraw is inefficient, I already have TextDrawShowForPlayer Under OnPlayerSpawn
Hello all, I have tried to create a text draw stats bar that sits at the bottom of the screen and updates as your stats update, The text draw works fine, and will display, it's just as soon as the ti...
Hello, I have returned to scripting after about 6 months and I'm having trouble with this one code, pawn Код: dcmd_setlevel(playerid,params[]){    new str[128],level; new name[24], id;    if(...
Hello forum, If anyone could explain to me why this small function does not work I would be very thankful, the idea of the function is to return the file location of the player specified. pawn КоÐ...
Your best bet would be to use the user made function "IsPlayerShootingPlayer", You will have to search for it though
Post the line where you use SetTimer
How would I check if what the player typed is the correct answer, the way I was trying to do it before was, under OnPlayerText I would compare the Text and StartQuestion[thing][2], with 2 being the se...
Hello forum, I'm trying to make a simple quiz, in which it asks you questions and you have to give the correct answer, but I am having a few problems. pawn Код: new thing;new StartQuestions[2][2]...