It compiles perfactly but apon testing the objects do not move, Any help welcome
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if(strcmp(cmd, "/mdefon", true) == 0) { // Command
MoveObject(MUF_Tower1, 1035.043, 1124.109, 10.076, 2.0); // Move object up
MoveObject(MUF_Tower2, 1053.150, 1138.733, 10.076, 2.0); // Move object up
MoveObject(MUF_Stair1, 1024.954, 1112.197, 12.594, 2.0);
MoveObject(MUF_Stair2, 1020.921, 1103.657, 17.541, 2.0);
MoveObject(MUF_Stair3, 1018.094, 1097.522, 22.220, 2.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "The Defences are ON"); // Messege to tell it worked
return 1;
if(strcmp(cmd, "/mdefoff", true) == 0) { // Command
MoveObject(MUF_Tower1, 1035.043, 1124.109, -30.076, 2.0); // Move object down
MoveObject(MUF_Tower2, 1053.150, 1138.733, -30.076, 2.0); // Move object down
MoveObject(MUF_Stair1, 1024.954, 1112.197, -30.594, 2.0);
MoveObject(MUF_Stair2, 1020.921, 1103.657, -30.541, 2.0);
MoveObject(MUF_Stair3, 1018.094, 1097.522, -30.220, 2.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "The Defences are OFF"); //Messege to tell it worked
I doubt it compile fine.. you forgot brackets, you don't return any values, and you use cmd instead of cmdtext.
Try using that. The reasons it failed is probably because your brackets were in the wrong places, and you need a closing bracket like this one. } Also, you needed to set a return for your second command.
EDIT Also, check that your COLOR_RED and COLOR_GREEN 's are defined correctly.