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Chatting limit?! - Printable Version

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Chatting limit?! - SiNaGaMeR - 11.11.2018

Hello there I saw a magical thing in a server!
look at this picture:
this chatting doesn't have any limited things.. for example when I want to do same.. just my 100 or 50.. idk words will send in server for example I used
PHP код:
/s dlfgdkfgkdfjglksjdfksdmfksdhfnksdhfkjshdnfksdhfkjsdhnfksdfksfdnksdfh 
but just
PHP код:
will send.. I mean my words doesn't send completely but my normal chat.. (JUST CHAT NO CMD).. will send all my words.. but my cmds like /s doesn't send my words completely.. but I don't know how that server using this feature without chat limits?!!!


Re: Chatting limit?! - DatGuySleepy - 11.11.2018

That's because on your /s command you have a small string size. So if the string size is 50, it will only show 50 characters of the entire sentence you typed in /s. Increase the string size to 248, or so.

Re: Chatting limit?! - SiNaGaMeR - 11.11.2018


Re: Chatting limit?! - Banditul18 - 11.11.2018

Originally Posted by DatGuySleepy
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That's because on your /s command you have a small string size. So if the string size is 50, it will only show 50 characters of the entire sentence you typed in /s. Increase the string size to 248, or so.
Sadly a player can only type 128 characters and you can only send 144 characters via SendClientMessage etc
So 145 is way better than 248 or higher, lets not waste memory(even if its not much lost)

Re: Chatting limit?! - DatGuySleepy - 11.11.2018

Oh you're right, 248 just popped in my head for some reason.