[Error] MySQL [Help] -
NailOrduna - 14.02.2018
Help me please.
PHP код:
[ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #1045) Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
This appears in the Mysql.log, I need help, and reinstall everything until the Xampp, but it did not work, I still have this problem.
Sorry my English, i'm from Argentina.
Re: [Error] MySQL [Help] -
Lvcnr - 14.02.2018
Check your MySQL connection details on the pawn script. Correct them.
Re: [Error] MySQL [Help] -
NailOrduna - 14.02.2018
Originally Posted by Lvcnr
Check your MySQL connection details on the pawn script. Correct them.
Explicaciуn en Espaсol:
Thx, la Gamemode o .pwn no tiene esos detalles, uso la Gamemode que estб acб pъblica en estй foro, se llama ''Base roleplay edition (LSRP Replica).'' (
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=646191 ).
Explication in English:
Thx, the Gamemode or .pwn do not have those details, I use the Gamemode that is open in this forum, it's called Base roleplay edition (LSRP Replica). (
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=646191 ).
Re: [Error] MySQL [Help] -
NailOrduna - 15.02.2018
Originally Posted by Lvcnr
Check your MySQL connection details on the pawn script. Correct them.
Estуs son los ъnicos datos que conseguн en la Gamemode de mysql.
PHP код:
public OnGameModeInit()
import File("mysql.ini", host[16], user[24], database[12], password[32])
dbHandle = mysql_connect(host, user, database, password);
if(mysql_errno(dbHandle) != 0) printf("Non collegato dal database.");
for(new a, as = sizeof(AntennasRadio); a < as; a++)
AntennasRadio[a][arObject] = CreateDynamicObject(3763, AntennasRadio[a][arX], AntennasRadio[a][arY], AntennasRadio[a][arZ], AntennasRadio[a][arRX], AntennasRadio[a][arRY], AntennasRadio[a][arRZ]);
for(new l, ls = sizeof(LicensesPoint); l < ls; l++)
Pickup_Create(ELEMENT_LICENSE, l, 1239, 23, LicensesPoint[l][licenseX], LicensesPoint[l][licenseY], LicensesPoint[l][licenseZ], 0, 0);
for(new c, cs = sizeof(FarmerZones); c < cs; c++)
FarmerAreas[c] = CreateDynamicRectangle(FarmerZones[c][0], FarmerZones[c][1], FarmerZones[c][2], FarmerZones[c][3]);
for(new f, fs = sizeof(FishingZones); f < fs; f++)
FishingAreas[f] = CreateDynamicRectangle(FishingZones[f][0], FishingZones[f][1], FishingZones[f][2], FishingZones[f][3]);
for(new j, js = sizeof(Jobs); j < js; j++)
Pickup_Create(ELEMENT_JOB, j, 1239, 23, Jobs[j][jobX], Jobs[j][jobY], Jobs[j][jobZ], 0, 0);
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(Jobs[j][jobName], COLOR_WHITE, Jobs[j][jobX], Jobs[j][jobY], Jobs[j][jobZ]+0.4, 30.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 1, 0, 0, -1);
Re: [Error] MySQL [Help] -
Mugala - 15.02.2018
you're probably using a wrong password for SQL connection.
you can edit them in scriptfiles/mysql.ini
Re: [Error] MySQL [Help] -
NailOrduna - 15.02.2018
Originally Posted by Mugala
you're probably using a wrong password for SQL connection.
you can edit them in scriptfiles/mysql.ini
No, estб correctamente escrita en el archivo que estб en la ruta '' C://Xampp/phpmyadmin/config.inc '' al igual que la ruta que tъ indicas estб bien configurada, cabe resaltar que no es la ъnica GM que me da error en estу de MySQL.
Re: [Error] MySQL [Help] -
insus100 - 19.02.2018
Originally Posted by NailOrduna
No, estб correctamente escrita en el archivo que estб en la ruta '' C://Xampp/phpmyadmin/config.inc '' al igual que la ruta que tъ indicas estб bien configurada, cabe resaltar que no es la ъnica GM que me da error en estу de MySQL.
Intenta crear otro usuario en MySQL, no uses root.
Try to create another MySQL user, don't use root.
Re: [Error] MySQL [Help] -
Lvcnr - 22.02.2018
Originally Posted by NailOrduna
Estуs son los ъnicos datos que conseguн en la Gamemode de mysql.
PHP код:
public OnGameModeInit()
import File("mysql.ini", host[16], user[24], database[12], password[32])
dbHandle = mysql_connect(host, user, database, password);
if(mysql_errno(dbHandle) != 0) printf("Non collegato dal database.");
for(new a, as = sizeof(AntennasRadio); a < as; a++)
AntennasRadio[a][arObject] = CreateDynamicObject(3763, AntennasRadio[a][arX], AntennasRadio[a][arY], AntennasRadio[a][arZ], AntennasRadio[a][arRX], AntennasRadio[a][arRY], AntennasRadio[a][arRZ]);
for(new l, ls = sizeof(LicensesPoint); l < ls; l++)
Pickup_Create(ELEMENT_LICENSE, l, 1239, 23, LicensesPoint[l][licenseX], LicensesPoint[l][licenseY], LicensesPoint[l][licenseZ], 0, 0);
for(new c, cs = sizeof(FarmerZones); c < cs; c++)
FarmerAreas[c] = CreateDynamicRectangle(FarmerZones[c][0], FarmerZones[c][1], FarmerZones[c][2], FarmerZones[c][3]);
for(new f, fs = sizeof(FishingZones); f < fs; f++)
FishingAreas[f] = CreateDynamicRectangle(FishingZones[f][0], FishingZones[f][1], FishingZones[f][2], FishingZones[f][3]);
for(new j, js = sizeof(Jobs); j < js; j++)
Pickup_Create(ELEMENT_JOB, j, 1239, 23, Jobs[j][jobX], Jobs[j][jobY], Jobs[j][jobZ], 0, 0);
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(Jobs[j][jobName], COLOR_WHITE, Jobs[j][jobX], Jobs[j][jobY], Jobs[j][jobZ]+0.4, 30.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 1, 0, 0, -1);
Find the file mysql.ini and check the credentials used.
According to what you mentioned, if this is the gamemode you downloaded, check this file:
And edit the following:
#define SQL_HOSTNAME "localhost"
#define SQL_USERNAME "root"
#define SQL_DATABASE "ls-rp"
#define SQL_PASSWORD "root"