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SA-MP 0.3.7 R2 Problem - Printable Version

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SA-MP 0.3.7 R2 Problem - Mido10 - 10.11.2017


I was using sa-mp 0.3.7(not r1, r2 or even rc1 or rc2), the normal one, the first one and installed it's windows server files(not Linux), then pasted these files inside my folder. ( I clicked on samp-server.exe and joined the game with all filterscipts loaded and all commands are working. Now, I installed r2 client and it's windows server files. I tried to do the same process but filterscipts don't load. I tried to re-compile it, but I receive errors which I wasn't receiving on the normal version of samp 0.3.7.
What I want is;
Windows server files for this version?
Tell me how to the same process on samp r2. It's basically the Texture Studio, so if you tried to re-compile anything from the first link (if you are a scripter), paste another one compiled with no errors.

Re: SA-MP 0.3.7 R2 Problem - Meller - 10.11.2017

this is more of a request

this forum is for uhm, assistance in an scripting error or malfunction, so ye, try yourself first, if you can't fix ur "errors", throw them to us with the code.