forward AddFiresHouse(houseid); public AddFiresHouse(houseid) { for(new i = 1;i< 1000; i++) { if(FireObjHouse[i] == 0) { new ID = i; new Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:z1; x1 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancex]; y1 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancey]; z1 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancez]; FireObjHouse[ID] = CreateObject(18688, x1, y1, z1, 0, 0, 0.0); i = 10001; FireHouse[1][houseid] = FireObjHouse[ID]; TotalFires++; FiresHouse[houseid]++; FireHealthHouse[1][houseid] = 15; for(new j = 1;j< 1000; j++) { if(FireObjHouse[j] == 0) { ID = j; new Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:z2; x2 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancex]; y2 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancey]; z2 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancez]; FireObjHouse[ID] = CreateObject(18688, x2, y2, z2, 0, 0, 0.0); j = 10001; FireHouse[2][houseid] = FireObjHouse[ID]; TotalFires++; FiresHouse[houseid]++; FireHealthHouse[2][houseid] = 28; for(new k = 1;k< 1000; k++) { if(FireObjHouse[k] == 0) { ID = k; new Float:x3, Float:y3, Float:z3; x3 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancex]; y3 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancey]; z3 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancez]; FireObjHouse[ID] = CreateObject(18688, x3, y3, z3, 0, 0, 0.0); k = 10001; FireHouse[3][houseid] = FireObjHouse[ID]; TotalFires++; FiresHouse[houseid]++; FireHealthHouse[3][houseid] = 46; for(new l = 1;l< 1000; l++) { if(FireObjHouse[l] == 0) { ID = l; new Float:x4, Float:y4, Float:z4; x4 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancex]; y4 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancey]; z4 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancez]; FireObjHouse[ID] = CreateObject(18688, x4, y4, z4, 0, 0, 0.0); l = 10001; FireHouse[4][houseid] = FireObjHouse[ID]; TotalFires++; FiresHouse[houseid]++; FireHealthHouse[4][houseid] = 65; for(new h = 1;h< 1000; h++) { if(FireObjHouse[h] == 0) { ID = h; new Float:x5, Float:y5, Float:z5; x5 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancex]; y5 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancey]; z5 = HouseData[houseid][hEntrancez]; FireObjHouse[ID] = CreateObject(18688, x5, y5, z5, 0, 0, 0.0); h = 10001; FireHouse[5][houseid] = FireObjHouse[ID]; TotalFires++; FiresHouse[houseid]++; FireHealthHouse[5][houseid] = 88; } } } } } } } } } } return 1; }
public Production() { medicev += 5; if(medicev == 20) { medicev = 0; new string[256]; foreach(Player,i) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(PlayerInfo[i][pMember] == 14) { if(CP[i] == 43 || CP[i] == 0 && Line1busck[i] == 0 && Line2busck[i] == 0 && MechanicCallTime[i] == 0 && MedicCallTime[i] == 0 && TaxiCallTime[i] == 0 && woodl[i] == 0 && petrolt[i] == 0 && petrolt2[i] == 0 && pizzaj[i] == 0 && IsCollectingRubbish[i] == 0 && PlayerInfo[i][pChicken] == 0 && balem[i] == 0 && playerrace[i] == 0 && explosion[i] == 0 && playerraces[i] == 0 && taxim[i] == 0 && towcarm[i] == 0 && nrmission[i] == 0) { new rand = random(sizeof(gRandomExplosion)); expx[i] = gRandomExplosion[rand][0]; expy[i] = gRandomExplosion[rand][1]; expz[i] = gRandomExplosion[rand][2]; format(string,sizeof(string),"EN: ** A fire broke out, go to the red point and stop it for reject mission Type /cancel pmission."); SCM(i,COLOR_LIGHTRED,string); format(string,sizeof(string),"RO: ** A pornit un incendiu, mergi la punctul rosu de pe harta si opreste-l, pentru a respinge misiunea Type /cancel pmission."); SCM(i,COLOR_LIGHTRED,string); explosion[i] = 1; SetPlayerCheckpoint(i,gRandomExplosion[rand][0],gRandomExplosion[rand][1],gRandomExplosion[rand][2],4.0); } }
Try Using ptask as a timer for every 10 min or 20 min what ever you want and use CreateObject on hEntranceX,Y,Z.
Or may be a Separate Timer using SetTimerEx() with a Call back to add Fire. For a Improved code, Set Repeat to False and Once the Fire Object is Destroyed by Fire Fighters, you re-start that Random Fire timer. |
Add SetTimer("RandFireTimer",600000,false); //600 Seconds. means 10 Min. Change 600000 to what ever you want.(seconds X 1000).
//First We Forward the Public Timer.
forward RandFireTimer();
//Then Public.
public RandFireTimer()
new a = random(0, MAX_HOUSES+1);
FireObject = CreateObject(18691, HouseInfo[a][hEntranceX],HouseInfo[a][hEntranceY],HouseInfo[a][hEntranceZ],0,0,0,10); //the Object ID for Fire is 18691. There are other Fire Objects too. Set the Rotation according to your needs. Also remember to declare FireObject Globally above this.
foreach(Player, i)
if(IsAParamedic(i)) // Your Variable for if he is a Fire Fighter or not.
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR, "---Fire Dispatch ---");
format(string, sizeof(string), "Fire Was Seen at %s`s House.",HouseInfo[a][hOwner]);
SendClientMessage(i,COLOR2, string);
SendClientMessage(i,COLOR3, "Please Fire Fighters Respond to the call."); //Or what ever your Messages are.
SetPlayerCheckPoint(i, HouseInfo[a][hEntranceX],HouseInfo[a][hEntranceY],HouseInfo[a][hEntranceZ],5); //This is like a optional thing to trigger Fire Fighter thing.
//Now we trigger that FireFighter is there. and for that we use, OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint.
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
if(RespondedToFire[playerid] == 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR, "You are at the Random Fire Location. Take Out your Extingusher.");
IsAtFire[playerid] = 1; //Global Variable.
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if(newkeys == KEY_FIRE) && RespondedToFire[playerid] == 1 && GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT && IsAtFire[playerid] == 1) //You can also check here if he has a Extingusher or not.
FireTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("PuttingOutFire",180000, false, "i",playerid); // its just a timer.
forward PuttingOutFire(playerid);
public PuttingOutFire(playerid)
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR, "You have Extingushed the Fire.");
RespondedToFire[playerid] = 0;
I wont script entirely for you but i can give you a small example to make you understand how it works.
PHP код:
PHP код:
PHP код:
PHP код:
Hope that helped. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_HOUSES" warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "FireObject" "
new a = random(0, MAX_HOUSES+1);
FireObject = CreateObject(18691, HouseInfo[a][hEntrancex],HouseInfo[a][hEntrancey],HouseInfo[a][hEntrancez],0,0,0,10);