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Detect falling bike - Printable Version

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Detect falling bike - weex - 27.02.2017

Alguйm poderia me ajudar com uma coisa? Outras pessoas podem e deveria usar isso...
Estava querendo fazer como no GTA V dependendo de como vc bate e voa da moto, vc morre (como na vida real XD)

Entгo eu pensei em pegar o dano do splat + velocidade = dano real, mas nгo estб funcionando bem assim:

Someone could help me to a thing? It should make servers more realists...
I was trying to set realists damage when fall to bike

So i tried to take splat + player speed to get a real damage, but is not work well

public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart)
	if(weaponid == 54) { // danoqueda
		new speed = GetPlayerSpeedGambiarra(playerid);
		new danoqueda = floatround(amount) + floatround(speed);
		vida[playerid] -= danoqueda;
// caindo de moto
stock GetPlayerSpeedGambiarra(playerid)
    if(playerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
            new Float:Pos[3],Float:PS;
            GetPlayerVelocity(playerid, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);
            PS = floatsqroot(Pos[0]*Pos[0] + Pos[1]*Pos[1] + Pos[2]*Pos[2])*200;
            return floatround(PS,floatround_round);
OnFoot damage is right, but when fall to bike damage return 2, only fucking 2

Re: Detect falling bike - weex - 28.02.2017

up topic

Re: Detect falling bike - DRIFT_HUNTER - 28.02.2017

Use OnPlayerUpdate and check for velocity, if that does not work than check for animation and previous state...