Textures. -
aymane123 - 28.01.2017
Hey guys, i will ask a question that it made look completlly noob in map but in fact i really dont know it meaning so that word is
Texture i hear it alot and i dont know it meaning so please axplain me
Re: Textures. -
BiosMarcel - 28.01.2017
****** it , seriously dude ...
Re: Textures. -
aymane123 - 28.01.2017
I did but ... nothing.
Re: Textures. - Quinncell - 28.01.2017
Seriously? Nothing came out when you ******d "Texture"? ****** isn't dumb but come on, try googling "Meaning of texture" or something similar. Like why do you guys keep making dumb threads like this?
Everything and Nothing is NOT ******!
You might get the answers you want here but it's easier googling for it than making a thread here.
Re: Textures. -
aymane123 - 28.01.2017
I found the definition of texture just in common language i want it meaning in samp domain so please help.
Re: Textures. -
AndreiWow - 28.01.2017
C'mon guys.. just don't reply if you are not gonna answer his question, it is no help to tell him to use ******.
You mean SA:MP texture or just texture?
Texture is the physical feel of something — smooth, rough, fuzzy, slimy, and lots of textures something in between
Well SA:MP texture is... the texture of an object.. don't know how to explain it to you?

... the material, how it looks..
Re: Textures. -
aymane123 - 28.01.2017
Ok but why i will need how to object looks ?
Re: Textures. -
aymane123 - 28.01.2017
u mean with using texture i can change the color of object or size ?
Re: Textures. -
Onfroi - 28.01.2017
Originally Posted by aymane123
u mean with using texture i can change the color of object or size ?
dude do you not know what texture means? TEXTURE, PATTERN, STYLE, this is a basic word in the dictionary.
Maybe translate the word to your language.
Re: Textures. -
HeLiOn_PrImE - 29.01.2017
Originally Posted by aymane123
u mean with using texture i can change the color of object or size ?
You can change the texture of an object, as explained above, but you
cannot change its size.