How to make anti-spawn protection to stop if a player shoots. -
iAssassin - 11.06.2016
I have an Anti-Spawn kill protection ready with everything I like. But I need to be able to stop it if the player shoots a bullet from his gun.
Re: How to make anti-spawn protection to stop if a player shoots. - WhiteGhost - 11.06.2016
There is alot of tutorials about this thing,****** One.
Re: How to make anti-spawn protection to stop if a player shoots. -
moura98 - 11.06.2016
the exemple usage talk about that
Re: How to make anti-spawn protection to stop if a player shoots. -
iAssassin - 11.06.2016
Can't understand whether wiki is talking about time or guns...
Re: How to make anti-spawn protection to stop if a player shoots. - WhiteGhost - 11.06.2016
Re: How to make anti-spawn protection to stop if a player shoots. -
Stinged - 11.06.2016
Check if the player has anti-spawnkill, and if he does, disable it.
Why don't you people understand that he already has a spawnkill system, he only wants to add something to it.
Originally Posted by iAssassin
I have an Anti-Spawn kill protection ready with everything I like. But I need to be able to stop it if the player shoots a bullet from his gun.
Re: How to make anti-spawn protection to stop if a player shoots. -
iAssassin - 12.06.2016
Thanks Stinged... I finally added it..
hmm @stinged ...
I got some problems about how should it be... Can you give me an example ?? I mean
public OnPlayerWeaponShot
(What do I do here... I am still learning about codes)
Re: How to make anti-spawn protection to stop if a player shoots. -
iAssassin - 12.06.2016
Hmm guys. Just tell me the whole line after: public OnPlayerWeaponShot
how can I check that he has anti-spawn kill and if true to disable?
Re: How to make anti-spawn protection to stop if a player shoots. -
iAssassin - 12.06.2016
Cmon, one little help please... I don't bite
Re: How to make anti-spawn protection to stop if a player shoots. -
AliBro - 12.06.2016
show us your anti spawn kill code first.