#include <progress2>
#include <streamer>
#define CAPTURE_TIME 30 // how many seconds to capture a zone
#define COLOR_TOMATO \
#define COLOR_GREEN \
#define ALPHA(%1,%2) \
((%1 & ~0xFF) | clamp(%2, 0x00, 0xFF))
enum E_TEAM
new const TEAM[][E_TEAM] =
{true, "team 1", 0xFF0000FF}, // the color's opacity doesn't matter, we will use the function "ALPHA" to change it later
{true, "team 2", 0x00FF00FF}
new const TEAM[][E_TEAM] =
{true, "team 1", 0xFF0000FF}, // the color's opacity doesn't matter, we will use the function "ALPHA" to change it later
{true, "team 2", 0x00FF00FF},
{true, "team 10", 0x0000FFFF} // this is the "SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 10)" entry
Float:E_CAPTURE_ZONE_GANGZONE_OFFSET[4], // the capture zone's gangzone minx/y and maxx/y
Float:E_CAPTURE_ZONE_CP_OFFSET[3], // the x,y,z offset for the checkpoint the players will stay in and capture
new captureZone[][E_CAPTURE_ZONE] =
{"Big Ear", {-437.5, 1513.671875, -244.140625, 1636.71875}, {-311.0136, 1542.9733, 75.5625}, 0},
{"Area 51", {-46.875, 1697.265625, 423.828125, 2115.234375}, {254.4592, 1802.8997, 7.4285}, 1} // "1" means the zone owner will be "team 2", notice the number relates to array "TEAM"'s indexes
new captureZone[][E_CAPTURE_ZONE] =
{"Big Ear", {-437.5, 1513.671875, -244.140625, 1636.71875}, {-311.0136, 1542.9733, 75.5625}, 0},
{"Area 51", {-46.875, 1697.265625, 423.828125, 2115.234375}, {254.4592, 1802.8997, 7.4285}, 1}, // "1" means the zone owner will be "team 2", notice the number relates to array "TEAM"'s indexes
{"New zone", {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, 10}, // the new zone
{"zone name", {minx, miny, maxx, maxy}, {cpx, cpy, cpz}, owner_team_index}
new PlayerText:capturePlayerTextDraw[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerBar:capturePlayerBar[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnGameModeInit()
for (new i; i < sizeof captureZone; i++)
captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; // set the zone attacker to none
captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_COUNTDOWN] = 0;
captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_CP] = CreateDynamicCP(captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_CP_OFFSET][0], captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_CP_OFFSET][1], captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_CP_OFFSET][2], 1.0);
captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_AREA] = CreateDynamicRectangle(captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_GANGZONE_OFFSET][0], captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_GANGZONE_OFFSET][1], captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_GANGZONE_OFFSET][2], captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_GANGZONE_OFFSET][3]);
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
capturePlayerBar[playerid] = CreatePlayerProgressBar(playerid, 44.000000, 318.000000, 89.500000, 3.700000, -1429936641, CAPTURE_TIME, 0);
capturePlayerTextDraw[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 87.000000, 308.000000, "Capturing !...");
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, capturePlayerTextDraw[playerid], 255);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, capturePlayerTextDraw[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, capturePlayerTextDraw[playerid], 0.290000, 1.099999);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, capturePlayerTextDraw[playerid], -1);
PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, capturePlayerTextDraw[playerid], 2);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, capturePlayerTextDraw[playerid], 1);
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
for (new i; i < sizeof captureZone; i++)
// show gangzones
GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_GANGZONE], ALPHA(TEAM[captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_OWNER]][E_TEAM_COLOR], 100));
// flash gangzone if under attack
GangZoneFlashForPlayer(playerid, captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_GANGZONE], ALPHA(TEAM[GetPlayerTeam(captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER])][E_TEAM_COLOR], 100));
return 1;
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea(playerid, areaid)
for (new i; i < sizeof captureZone; i++)
if (areaid == captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_AREA]) // matches the player area to the gangzone area
new string[64 + 3];
format(string, sizeof string, "~w~%s", captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_NAME]);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 6);
return 1;
return 1;
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
for (new i; i < sizeof captureZone; i++)
if (checkpointid == captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_CP]) // player entered checkpoint of the gangzone
if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) // this little check disallows the player to capture in a vehicle
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_TOMATO, "You cannot capture a zone in a vehicle.");
return 1;
if (captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER] == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) // this check tells us that gangzone is not under attack so we can proceed with start attacking here!
if ((GetPlayerTeam(playerid) >= 0 && GetPlayerTeam(playerid) < sizeof TEAM) && TEAM[GetPlayerTeam(playerid)][E_TEAM_VALID] && GetPlayerTeam(playerid) != captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_OWNER]) // here the team ids play its role, we check the index is valid - The second part is if whether the player isn't of team that zone owner is
captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER] = playerid;
captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_COUNTDOWN] = 0;
captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_TIMER] = SetTimerEx("OnCaptureZoneUpdate", 1000, true, "i", i);
// falsh gangzone for all
GangZoneFlashForAll(captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_GANGZONE], ALPHA(TEAM[GetPlayerTeam(playerid)][E_TEAM_COLOR], 100));
// display capture message to player
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Stay in the checkpoint to for "#CAPTURE_TIME" seconds to capture the zone.");
// display provocation message to all
new string[150];
format(string, sizeof string, "%s is trying to capture %s away from team %s.", TEAM[GetPlayerTeam(playerid)][E_TEAM_NAME], captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_NAME], TEAM[captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_OWNER]][E_TEAM_NAME]);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_TOMATO, string);
else return 1;
else if (GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == GetPlayerTeam(captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER])) // already being captured and player is of the same team that of attacker is
// increase number of players capturing
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Stay in the checkpoint to assist your teammate in capturing the zone.");
// show progress bar and capture textdraw!
PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, capturePlayerTextDraw[playerid]);
ShowPlayerProgressBar(playerid, capturePlayerBar[playerid]);
return 1;
return 1;
forward OnCaptureZoneUpdate(zoneid);
public OnCaptureZoneUpdate(zoneid)
// the zone capture rate depends on the number of players capturing it
// so if its "1", the capture time taken will be 30s
// if its "2", the capture time decreases to half i.e. 15s
// given you set the CAPTURE_TIME to 30
captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_COUNTDOWN] += captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_PLAYERS_IN_ZONE];
new string[150];
format(string, sizeof string, "Capturing Zone In %i...", CAPTURE_TIME - captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_COUNTDOWN]);
// update progress bar and textdraw for all players capturing
for (new i, j = GetPlayerPoolSize(); i <= j; i++)
if (IsPlayerInDynamicCP(i, captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_CP]) &&
!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i) &&
GetPlayerTeam(i) == GetPlayerTeam(captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER]))
PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, capturePlayerTextDraw[i], string);
SetPlayerProgressBarValue(i, capturePlayerBar[i], captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_COUNTDOWN]);
// zone has been captured
GetPlayerName(captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER], string, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
format(string, sizeof string, "Good job. You assisted %s to capture %s. +$250", string, captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_NAME]);
for (new i, j = GetPlayerPoolSize(); i <= j; i++)
if (IsPlayerInDynamicCP(i, captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_CP]) &&
!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i) &&
GetPlayerTeam(i) == GetPlayerTeam(captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER]))
PlayerTextDrawHide(i, capturePlayerTextDraw[i]);
HidePlayerProgressBar(i, capturePlayerBar[i]);
// giving reward to teammates who assisted
if (i != captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER])
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN, string);
GivePlayerMoney(i, 250);
// giving reward to the attacker who startd capturing initially
SetPlayerScore(captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER], GetPlayerScore(captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER]) + 1);
GivePlayerMoney(captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER], 1000);
format(string, sizeof string, "Good job. You successfully captured %s from %s. +1 Score, +$1000", captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_NAME], TEAM[captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_OWNER]][E_TEAM_NAME]);
SendClientMessage(captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER], COLOR_GREEN, string);
// announcing capture to all players
format(string, sizeof string, "<Capture Zone>: Team %s have captured %s from %s.", TEAM[GetPlayerTeam(captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER])][E_TEAM_NAME], captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_NAME], TEAM[captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_OWNER]][E_TEAM_NAME]);
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, string);
// reset capture zone variables and modify Owner to attacker's team id
captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_OWNER] = GetPlayerTeam(captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER]);
GangZoneShowForAll(captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_GANGZONE], ALPHA(TEAM[captureZone[zoneid][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_OWNER]][E_TEAM_COLOR], 100));
return 1;
public OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
for (new i; i < sizeof captureZone; i++)
if (checkpointid == captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_CP])
if (GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == GetPlayerTeam(captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER]))
// hide progress bar and textdraw
PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, capturePlayerTextDraw[playerid]);
HidePlayerProgressBar(playerid, capturePlayerBar[playerid]);
if (captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_PLAYERS_IN_ZONE] == 0) // if there is no one left in capture checkpoint but the zone was still being captured
// stop capture and reset it to the team it was before
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_TOMATO, "You failed to capture the zone. You left the checkpoint before time!");
if (playerid == captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER]) // if the main player who started capturing initially left
// we will select another player who is in capture checkpoint and set him as the main attacker
// since attackers recieve bigger reward
for (new x, y = GetPlayerPoolSize(); x <= y; x++)
if (IsPlayerInDynamicCP(x, captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_CP]) &&
!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(x) &&
GetPlayerTeam(x) == GetPlayerTeam(captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER]))
captureZone[i][E_CAPTURE_ZONE_ATTACKER] = x;
new string[150];
GetPlayerName(playerid, string, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
format(string, sizeof string, "%s is no longer the initial zone attacker. You are now holding that position.", string);
SendClientMessage(x, COLOR_TOMATO, string);
SendClientMessage(x, COLOR_TOMATO, "Stay in checkpoint to finish capture and recieve maximum reward.");
GetPlayerName(x, string, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
format(string, sizeof string, "You left the checkpoint before time! You are no longer the initial capturer, %s is!", string);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_TOMATO, string);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_TOMATO, "You left the checkpoint before time! You are no longer assisting your teammates in capturing!");
return 1;
public OnGameModeExit()
for (new i; i < sizeof captureZone; i++)
return 1;
C:\Program Files\GTA San Andreas\gamemodes\codnew.pwn(656) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerPoolSize" |
C:\Program Files\GTA San Andreas\gamemodes\codnew.pwn(253) : warning 213: tag mismatch |
C:\Program Files\GTA San Andreas\gamemodes\codnew.pwn(684) : warning 209: function "OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP" should return a value |
new const gCaptureZone[][e_CAPTURE_ZONE] = { {"Big Ear", {-437.5,1513.671875, -244.140625,1636.71875}, {-311.0136,1542.9733,75.5625}, 0}, {"Area 51", {-46.875,1697.265625, 423.828125,2115.234375}, {254.4592,1802.8997,7.4285}, 1} };
There are 4 things we need to fill into the array for a new capture zone. These 4 are:
{"zone_name", {minx, miny, maxx, maxy}, {cpx, cpy, cpz}, teamid}
Here is the syntax:
pawn Code:
{cpx, cpy, cpz} for checkpoint coordinates. |
Gammix your script looks like awesome but i am very newbie about pawno so i did not understand what you explained about.
Could you complete the blanks with true numbers and names to be more specific? I mean i need more detail i did not make it. I just need an example script with fake number and coordinate zone names and other names.Please |
{"team_name", team_color}
new const gTeamData[][e_TEAM_DATA] =
{"Germany", 0xFFFF90FF}
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 0);
{"zone_name", {minx, miny, maxx, maxy}, {cpx, cpy, cpz}, zone_owner_team}
new const gCaptureZone[][e_CAPTURE_ZONE] =
{"Big Ear", {-437.5,1513.671875, -244.140625,1636.71875}, {-311.0136,1542.9733,75.5625}, 0}
new const gTeamData[][e_TEAM_DATA] =
{"Germany", 0xFFFF90FF},
{"India", 0xFF90FFFF},
new const gCaptureZone[][e_CAPTURE_ZONE] =
{"Big Ear", {-437.5,1513.671875, -244.140625,1636.71875}, {-311.0136,1542.9733,75.5625}, 0}
new const gTeamData[][e_TEAM_DATA] =
{"Germany", 0xFFFF90FF},
{"India", 0xFF90FFFF},
{"Unknown Team", 0x505050FF} // This is the last index i.e. 2
new const gCaptureZone[][e_CAPTURE_ZONE] =
{"Big Ear", {-437.5,1513.671875, -244.140625,1636.71875}, {-311.0136,1542.9733,75.5625}, 2} // Set the team id to 2
Its easy by creating a new team at the last index of your teams array.
Example: pawn Code: