Best vehicle ownership filter script for RP? -
jremi - 27.05.2015
I'm going to be editing this script but there's no vehicle ownership. So I was just wondering what's the best way to get vehicle owner ship in here without having to script it myself ?
Re: Best vehicle ownership filter script for RP? -
Mado - 27.05.2015
That script is 5 years old, you're better off taking a more recent one.
Re: Best vehicle ownership filter script for RP? -
jremi - 27.05.2015
Originally Posted by Mado
That script is 5 years old, you're better off taking a more recent one.
Every other one is bugged like a mother fuckr..
Re: Best vehicle ownership filter script for RP? -
Konverse - 27.05.2015
Lol this is a 5 year old script. Try to make a new one instead.
Re: Best vehicle ownership filter script for RP? -
iGetty - 27.05.2015
The best one.. is your own one. Learn how to develop one and then code it from scratch, how you want.
Re: Best vehicle ownership filter script for RP? -
SickAttack - 27.05.2015
Here are some links, but I highly recommend that you make your own, the reason why is because you can make it the way you want it to be. However, I really don't see the point in making/having a server if it's going to be generally conformed by scripts off this forum, there's no fun in it at all:,,,,,,,