Afk system - Printable Version
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Afk system -
Ugaustin - 04.03.2015
Re: Afk system -
JessThompson - 04.03.2015
What does it start from currently?
Re: Afk system -
Ugaustin - 04.03.2015
1 - but even if player isn't afk.. it appears..
Re: Afk system -
JessThompson - 04.03.2015
Could you please post your public on player pause and all parts connected to afk system thanks
Re: Afk system -
Ugaustin - 04.03.2015
this is problem .. not all of it..
Re: Afk system -
JessThompson - 04.03.2015
I need to see your OnPlayerPause fuction
Re: Afk system -
maramizo - 04.03.2015
You'll need to set iAFKp[playerid] = 0; under OnPlayerText and OnPlayerCommandText, and call a public which increments iAFKp[playerid] by one. Afterwards, make the check under Checking so that it checks if iAFKp[playerid] is greater than sixty, and then call OnPlayerPause.
Re: Afk system -
Ugaustin - 04.03.2015