Removing the vehicles a player spawned when they die. -
EgoInsanio - 21.07.2014
I have a command for players (/veh) where they can choose a car from a menu and then it'll automatically spawn for them. But when 5 people are spawning cars without the cars disappearing the server will become a huge mess.
After the players have selected a car, this happens.
new Float:pos[3], Float:angle, veh;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), angle), DestroyVehicle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));
else GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, angle);
veh = CreateVehicle(vehicleid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], angle, -1, -1, 99999);
SetVehicleNumberPlate(veh, "{00CCFF}EXFR 2013x");
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, veh, 0);
return 1;
Could anyone help me make it so that when the player dies, all the cars they have spawned get destroyed?
Re: Removing the vehicles a player spawned when they die. -
EgoInsanio - 21.07.2014
Should I just remove 'SetVehicleToRespawn' ?
Re: Removing the vehicles a player spawned when they die. -
Stanford - 21.07.2014
Yes, remove it and it should work buddy!
Re: Removing the vehicles a player spawned when they die. -
Virtual1ty - 21.07.2014
No it won't! If you want to remove all vehicles a player has spawned you should make a global per-player variable and track vehicle IDs spawned, also impose a limit of maximum vehicles a player can create and you would need another (global!) per-player variable to keep track of how many vehicles player spawned.
Re: Removing the vehicles a player spawned when they die. -
EgoInsanio - 21.07.2014
Originally Posted by Stanford
Yes, remove it and it should work buddy!
Originally Posted by Virtual1ty
No it won't! If you want to remove all vehicles a player has spawned you should make a global per-player variable and track vehicle IDs spawned, also impose a limit of maximum vehicles a player can create and you would need another (global!) per-player variable to keep track of how many vehicles player spawned.
Thanks for your answers. I tried to remove the respawn line, but that didn't work (like Virtuality already stated)
Could you make an example of how that'd look, Virtual1ty?
Re: Removing the vehicles a player spawned when they die. -
Virtual1ty - 21.07.2014
I'm on a tablet ATM but I'll try.
EDIT: finally.
pawn Код:
#define MAX_PVEH (10) // max vehicles a player can spawn
// in create cmd:
new idx = gVehsSpawned[playerid];
if (idx >= MAX_PVEH) return SCM(playerid, -1, "Can't create any more vehicles - max reached! (10)");
// but beware: if you do not plan on deleting every vehicle this 'idx' stuff won't work
// as planned - you would have to write a 'GetFreeSlot" function..
gPlayerVeh[playerid][idx] = CreateVehicle(...);
// under OnPlayerDeath:
for (new i; i < MAX_PVEH; i++)
if (IsValidVehicle(gPlayerVeh[playerid][i]))
gPlayerVeh[playerid][i] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
I apologise for any indentation mistakes!
Re: Removing the vehicles a player spawned when they die. -
EgoInsanio - 21.07.2014
Thanks! I gave you some rep for the effort.
Re: Removing the vehicles a player spawned when they die. -
Virtual1ty - 21.07.2014
No problem
Re: Removing the vehicles a player spawned when they die. -
EgoInsanio - 21.07.2014
I got these errors, but I couldn't figure out how to fix them. (I'm new to scripting and the whole thing you made is out of my league
I placed the define in my list of defines, the 'new' under that, and I placed the other two things where you said I should add them.
D:\Desktop\testserver\filterscripts\vehicle.pwn(47) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PVEH"
D:\Desktop\testserver\filterscripts\vehicle.pwn(47) : error 009: invalid array size (negative, zero or out of bounds)
D:\Desktop\testserver\filterscripts\vehicle.pwn(137) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PVEH"
D:\Desktop\testserver\filterscripts\vehicle.pwn(139) : error 017: undefined symbol "IsValidVehicle"
D:\Desktop\testserver\filterscripts\vehicle.pwn(141) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
D:\Desktop\testserver\filterscripts\vehicle.pwn(142) : error 046: unknown array size (variable "gPlayerVeh")
D:\Desktop\testserver\filterscripts\vehicle.pwn(142) : warning 215: expression has no effect
D:\Desktop\testserver\filterscripts\vehicle.pwn(1236) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PVEH"
D:\Desktop\testserver\filterscripts\vehicle.pwn(1239) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
8 Errors.
Re: Removing the vehicles a player spawned when they die. -
Virtual1ty - 21.07.2014
Check the macro is present and that there is at least a space after it's "name", I missed it by accident.
Also, at the top, under the #define, put this
pawn Код:
native IsValidVehicle(vehicleid);
Then, it's ready to go.
P.S. Also don't just copy code straight away, edit a bit, SCM is SendClientMessage, but it would take me long to write that on a mobile so I shortened it.