~fixed~ - Printable Version
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~fixed~ -
Blackazur - 01.03.2014
Re: Health -
SDLMMM - 01.03.2014
forward Regeneration();
public Regeneration()
for(new playerid = 0; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++)
if(team[playerid] == TEAM_ZOMBIE)
new Float:PHealth;
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, PHealth);
if(PHealth < 100)
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, GetPlayerHealth(playerid, PHealth)+2);
return 1;
u have used that float before , change it , use it like i've show you
Re: Health -
DeStunter - 01.03.2014
its saying you have a variable already defined as "Health"
name "Health" something different like "regen_health"
Re: ~fixed~ -
TLN - 01.03.2014
Would be nice if you could tell everyone what the problem was, someone might need help in the future.
AW: ~fixed~ -
Blackazur - 01.03.2014
DeStunter explained what the problem was.
Re: ~fixed~ -
SDLMMM - 01.03.2014
Health Variable Have been defined before , you can't re-define it , change Health with something else