just a little advice pls -
Strider - 25.02.2014
Hello, i'm beginner in scripting world, i'd like that you recommend me some gamemode/s, i started to learn from wiki samp, and i would like to have one game mode where i can apply things that i learn.
Sry for my bad english.
Re: just a little advice pls -
Bingo - 25.02.2014
Use grand larency, Simple.
Respuesta: just a little advice pls -
CuervO - 25.02.2014
Your own gamemode is always the best thing to learn. If not, any gamemode is always a great playground, you have to be careful with these though, many of these could not be scripted with "good" methods and make you learn "wrong" things.
even a shitty gf edit that gets 1.7M views
Re: just a little advice pls -
Mattakil - 25.02.2014
Anything scripted in mysql/zcmd.
Re: just a little advice pls -
Strider - 25.02.2014
-Cuervo- i'm thinking just like that, i don't want to learn something that is wrong, i want to have good scripting base.
-Mattakil- can u give me link or mode name, i really would like that, if u have time to do that.
Tnx anyway for help guys.
Re: just a little advice pls -
TTJJ - 25.02.2014
I learnt everything I know from the Godfather and other examples.
My opinion: Take a script, then try to make it what you want to be. Eventually you will gain an understanding of how things need to be made, good practices and bad. After some time, you might even be able to make your own gamemode.
Respuesta: Re: just a little advice pls -
CuervO - 25.02.2014
Originally Posted by flashroyal
-Cuervo- i'm thinking just like that, i don't want to learn something that is wrong, i want to have good scripting base.
-Mattakil- can u give me link or mode name, i really would like that, if u have time to do that.
Tnx anyway for help guys.
Both of the scripts in my signature provide both SQL and ZCMD, I do not recommend the filterscript though, it has some really intense queries in there!
Re: just a little advice pls -
Strider - 25.02.2014
TTJJ- i can take some game mode but there is a lot of things that i dont understand, however i understand something, but there is a lot of thngs i don't.
Ok Cuervo i will try to use that.
I'm sorry if I'm boring.
Re: just a little advice pls -
Bingo - 25.02.2014
To climb a ladder, You need support
Start from simple gamemode like GrandLarrncy, Which comes from sa-mo when you download a server.
Re: just a little advice pls -
Strider - 25.02.2014
OK, tnx guys for help.
I'm not a 100% beginner, i know some little thing about pawno, but that's just a little pice of EVERYTHING