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Suggestion: Lag shoting should be removed entirely in 0.3z R2 - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Suggestion: Lag shoting should be removed entirely in 0.3z R2 (/showthread.php?tid=496113)

Suggestion: Lag shoting should be removed entirely in 0.3z R2 - ..Bobby.. - 20.02.2014

As you know servers owners can turn on lag shotting by simply changing the lagcomp value to off in server.cfg. I think that feature should be removed because people need to move on. I already seen some servers with lagcomp off and i'm worried that sooner or later many server owners might turn it off as well due to their complaining players making 0.3z useless.

Re: Suggestion: There shouldn't be "lagcomp off" (Lag shpot) in 0.3z r2 - Ada32 - 20.02.2014

1. there's already a thread

2. everything is up to the server owner. if he/she decides they want to enable the feature, by all means - no harm is done..

Re: Suggestion: Lag shoting should be removed entirely in 0.3z R2 - qazwsx - 21.02.2014

Hell no for no lagshooting in SAMP.

SAMP wouldnt even fun without that.

Re: Suggestion: Lag shoting should be removed entirely in 0.3z R2 - [J] - 21.02.2014

AW: Suggestion: Lag shoting should be removed entirely in 0.3z R2 - Mellnik - 21.02.2014

How do you see if a server disabled it? It always shows "On" in the client.

Re: AW: Suggestion: Lag shoting should be removed entirely in 0.3z R2 - [J] - 21.02.2014

Originally Posted by Mellnik
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How do you see if a server disabled it? It always shows "On" in the client.
If it is lagcompmode 0 in server.cfg, it shows it is Off.

AW: Re: AW: Suggestion: Lag shoting should be removed entirely in 0.3z R2 - Mellnik - 21.02.2014

Originally Posted by [J]
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If it is lagcompmode 0 in server.cfg, it shows it is Off.

Hm I went through all servers on the hosted tab and all of them have lagcomp On except 4 or 5.

Re: Suggestion: Lag shoting should be removed entirely in 0.3z R2 - dominik523 - 21.02.2014

And why would you remove lag shooting?
You can disable it on your server if you don't like it.

Re: Suggestion: Lag shoting should be removed entirely in 0.3z R2 - FufLa - 21.02.2014

I hope Kalcor never fixes the knife stealth kill desync bug because you people like to play with broken things (see lagshooting).

Re: Suggestion: Lag shoting should be removed entirely in 0.3z R2 - Pottus - 22.02.2014

Originally Posted by FufLa
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I hope Kalcor never fixes the knife stealth kill desync bug because you people like to play with broken things (see lagshooting).
I hope this topic is closed since there is already a topic on in.