Command Prompt Crash (+REP) - Printable Version
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Command Prompt Crash (+REP) -
Ryan McDuff - 14.02.2014
I'm getting pretty desperate to get my server up, but I do NOT know how to use this crashdetect or how to use debug mode, etc. I need a simple step-by-step procedure on where to put my crashdetect, would I put it into my plugins, filterscripts, etc...?
This is what keeps happening when I try to start up my samp-server.exe:
PHP код:
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e, (C)2005-2012 SA-MP Team
[16:56:17] maxnpc = 0 (int)
[16:56:17] Server Plugins
[16:56:17] --------------
[16:56:17] Loading plugin: streamer.dll
*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***
[16:56:17] Loaded.
[16:56:17] Loading plugin: audio.dll
*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded ***
[16:56:17] Loaded.
[16:56:17] Loading plugin: sscanf.dll
[16:56:17] ===============================
[16:56:17] sscanf plugin loaded.
[16:56:17] (c) 2009 Alex "******" Cole
[16:56:17] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"
[16:56:17] ===============================
[16:56:17] Loaded.
[16:56:17] Loading plugin: nativechecker.dll
[16:56:17] Loaded.
[16:56:17] Loading plugin: whirlpool.dll
[16:56:17] ==================
[16:56:17] Whirlpool loaded
[16:56:17] ==================
[16:56:17] Loaded.
[16:56:17] Loaded 5 plugins.
[16:56:17] Ban list
[16:56:17] --------
[16:56:17] Loaded: samp.ban
[16:56:17] Filterscripts
[16:56:17] ---------------
[16:56:17] Loading filterscript 'JunkBuster.amx'...
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] Loading JunkBuster...
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] Current JunkBuster configuration:
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - WeaponHack = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - MoneyHack = 1
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - Jetpack = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - HealthHack = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - ArmourHack = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - DriveBy = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - Spam = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - CommandSpam = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - BadWords = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - CarJackHack = 1
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - TeleportHack = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - MaxPing = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - SpectateHack = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - Blacklist = 1
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - IpBans = 1
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - TempBans = 1
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - SpawnKill = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - CapsLock = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - 3DSpeed = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - MaxSpeed = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - AdminImmunity = 1
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - Advertisement = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - FreezeUpdate = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - SpawnTime = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - CheckpointTeleport = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - Airbrake = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - TankMode = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - WarnPlayers = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - SingleplayerCheats = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - MinFPS = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - DisableBadWeapons = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - CBug = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - AntiBugKill = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - NoReload = 1
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - NoReloadForSawnOff = 1
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - ActiveGMC = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - GMCBan = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - ServerSideHealth = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - CheckVMPos = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - QuickTurn = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - VehicleTeleport = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - Wallride = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - DisplayTextDraw = 1
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - AFK = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - PickupTeleport = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - FlyHack = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - JunkBusterChrome = 1
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - CheckWalkAnims = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - ReportMoneyHack = 1
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - SpeedhackAdvanced = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - Joypad = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - ArmedVehicles = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - VehicleRepair = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - TuningHack = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - PayForGuns = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - SpawnVehicles = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - MaxTotalWarnings = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - TooManyWarningsAction = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - AirbrakeDetection = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] - SpeedhackDetection = 0
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] 0 IP-bans have been loaded.
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] 0 temporary bans have been loaded.
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] 5 whitelist entries have been loaded.
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] 5 blacklist entries have been loaded.
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] 41 bad words have been loaded.
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] 14 forbidden weapons have been loaded.
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] JunkBuster has been configurated.
[16:56:17] [junkbuster] JunkBuster (v11) has successfully been loaded.
[16:56:17] Loading filterscript 'rick.amx'...
~~RickRoll FS by Deltac0 Loaded~~
[16:56:17] Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'...
[16:56:17] Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator.amx'...
[16:56:17] Loading filterscript 'buttons.amx'...
[16:56:17] Loading filterscript 'NeonColorsV2.1Beta.amx'...
[16:56:17] ------Neon System by Nano Loaded!------
[16:56:17] --------------------------------------
[16:56:17] Loading filterscript 'vactions.amx'...
[16:56:17] Loaded 7 filterscripts.
[16:56:17] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x26105) does not match plugin version (0x26104) (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[16:56:17] Error: Function not registered: 'WP_Hash'
[16:56:17] =======================================
[16:56:17] | |
[16:56:17] | YSI version 1.03.0011 |
[16:56:17] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[16:56:17] | |
[16:56:17] | Checking the latest YSI version.. |
[16:56:17] | |
[16:56:17] =======================================
[16:56:17] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777
[16:56:17] Loading Points...
[16:56:17] Loading Families...
[16:56:17] Loading Houses...
[16:56:17] Loading Dynamic Doors...
[16:56:17] Loading Map Icons...
[16:56:17] Loading Dealerships...
[16:56:17] Loading The Pay...
[16:56:18] Loading Gates...
[16:56:18] Loading Garages...
[16:56:18] Loading Businesses...
[16:56:18] Initialising TurfWars...
[16:56:18] Loading Turfs...
NOTE: If you can't give me a simple step-by-step procedure then don't bother commenting, I don't need you giving simple little answers on what "might" be the prediction just to give yourself another post.
Re: Command Prompt Crash (+REP) -
Ryan McDuff - 14.02.2014
PHP код:
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z, (C)2005-2014 SA-MP Team
[17:37:13] Server Plugins
[17:37:13] --------------
[17:37:13] Loading plugin: streamer.dll
*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***
[17:37:13] Loaded.
[17:37:13] Loading plugin: audio.dll
*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded ***
[17:37:13] Loaded.
[17:37:13] Loading plugin: sscanf.dll
[17:37:13] ===============================
[17:37:13] sscanf plugin loaded.
[17:37:13] (c) 2009 Alex "******" Cole
[17:37:13] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"
[17:37:13] ===============================
[17:37:13] Loaded.
[17:37:13] Loading plugin: nativechecker.dll
[17:37:13] Loaded.
[17:37:13] Loading plugin: whirlpool.dll
[17:37:13] ==================
[17:37:13] Whirlpool loaded
[17:37:13] ==================
[17:37:13] Loaded.
[17:37:14] Loaded 5 plugins.
[17:37:14] Filterscripts
[17:37:14] ---------------
[17:37:14] Loading filterscript 'JunkBuster.amx'...
[17:37:14] Unable to load filterscript 'JunkBuster.amx'.
[17:37:14] Loading filterscript 'rick.amx'...
[17:37:14] Unable to load filterscript 'rick.amx'.
[17:37:14] Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'...
[17:37:14] Unable to load filterscript 'anims.amx'.
[17:37:14] Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator.amx'...
[17:37:14] Loading filterscript 'buttons.amx'...
[17:37:14] Unable to load filterscript 'buttons.amx'.
[17:37:14] Loading filterscript 'NeonColorsV2.1Beta.amx'...
[17:37:14] Unable to load filterscript 'NeonColorsV2.1Beta.amx'.
[17:37:14] Loading filterscript 'vactions.amx'...
[17:37:14] Unable to load filterscript 'vactions.amx'.
[17:37:14] Loaded 1 filterscripts.
[17:37:14] Error: Function not registered: 'WP_Hash'
[17:37:14] =======================================
[17:37:14] | |
[17:37:14] | YSI version 1.03.0011 |
[17:37:14] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[17:37:14] | |
[17:37:14] | Checking the latest YSI version.. |
[17:37:14] | |
[17:37:14] =======================================
[17:37:14] Loading Points...
[17:37:14] Loading Families...
[17:37:14] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777
[17:37:14] Loading Houses...
[17:37:14] Loading Dynamic Doors...
[17:37:14] Loading Map Icons...
[17:37:14] Loading Dealerships...
[17:37:14] Loading The Pay...
[17:37:14] Loading Gates...
[17:37:14] Loading Garages...
[17:37:14] Loading Businesses...
[17:37:14] Initialising TurfWars...
[17:37:14] Loading Turfs...
Re: Command Prompt Crash (+REP) -
Konstantinos - 15.02.2014
Moreover update your server server and sscanf plugin.