CMD Crash, Without error.

So, I fixed a couple of plugin errors, and everything seemed to was gonna work fine, but then when i start samp-server.exe , it runs and loads everything and crashes.

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[09:02:32] Server Plugins
[09:02:32] --------------
[09:02:32]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool.dll
[09:02:32]  ==================
[09:02:32]   Whirlpool loaded
[09:02:32]  ==================
[09:02:32]   Loaded.
[09:02:32]  Loading plugin: streamer.dll

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[09:02:32]   Loaded.
[09:02:32]  Loading plugin: audio.dll

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[09:02:32]   Loaded.
[09:02:32]  Loading plugin: sscanf.dll

[09:02:32]  ===============================

[09:02:32]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[09:02:32]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[09:02:32]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[09:02:32]  ===============================

[09:02:32]   Loaded.
[09:02:32]  Loading plugin: nativechecker.dll
[09:02:32]   Loaded.
[09:02:32]  Loaded 5 plugins.

[09:02:32] Ban list
[09:02:32] --------
[09:02:32]  Loaded: samp.ban
[09:02:32] Filterscripts
[09:02:32] ---------------
[09:02:32]   Loading filterscript 'JunkBuster.amx'...
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] Loading JunkBuster...
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] Current JunkBuster configuration: 
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - WeaponHack = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - MoneyHack = 1
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - Jetpack = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - HealthHack = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - ArmourHack = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - DriveBy = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - Spam = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - CommandSpam = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - BadWords = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - CarJackHack = 1
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - TeleportHack = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - MaxPing = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - SpectateHack = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - Blacklist = 1
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - IpBans = 1
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - TempBans = 1
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - SpawnKill = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - CapsLock = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - 3DSpeed = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - MaxSpeed = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - AdminImmunity = 1
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - Advertisement = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - FreezeUpdate = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - SpawnTime = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - CheckpointTeleport = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - Airbrake = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - TankMode = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - WarnPlayers = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - SingleplayerCheats = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - MinFPS = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - DisableBadWeapons = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - CBug = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - AntiBugKill = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - NoReload = 1
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - NoReloadForSawnOff = 1
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - ActiveGMC = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - GMCBan = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - ServerSideHealth = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - CheckVMPos = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - QuickTurn = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - VehicleTeleport = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - Wallride = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - DisplayTextDraw = 1
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - AFK = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - PickupTeleport = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - FlyHack = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - JunkBusterChrome = 1
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - CheckWalkAnims = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - ReportMoneyHack = 1
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - SpeedhackAdvanced = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - Joypad = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - ArmedVehicles = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - VehicleRepair = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - TuningHack = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - PayForGuns = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - SpawnVehicles = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - MaxTotalWarnings = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - TooManyWarningsAction = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - AirbrakeDetection = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] - SpeedhackDetection = 0
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] 0 IP-bans have been loaded.
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] 0 temporary bans have been loaded.
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] 5 whitelist entries have been loaded.
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] 5 blacklist entries have been loaded.
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] 41 bad words have been loaded.
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] 14 forbidden weapons have been loaded.
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] JunkBuster has been configurated.
[09:02:32] [junkbuster] JunkBuster (v11) has successfully been loaded.
[09:02:32]   Loading filterscript 'rick.amx'...
 ~~RickRoll FS by Deltac0 Loaded~~

[09:02:32]   Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'...
[09:02:32]   Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator.amx'...
[09:02:32]   Loading filterscript 'buttons.amx'...
[09:02:32]   Loading filterscript 'NeonColorsV2.1Beta.amx'...
[09:02:32] ------Neon System by Nano Loaded!------
[09:02:32] --------------------------------------

[09:02:32]   Loading filterscript 'vactions.amx'...
[09:02:32]   Loaded 7 filterscripts.

[09:02:32]  ======================================= 
[09:02:32]  |                                     | 
[09:02:32]  |        YSI version 1.03.0011        | 
[09:02:32]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[09:02:32]  |                                     | 
[09:02:32]  |  Checking the latest YSI version..  | 
[09:02:32]  |                                     | 
[09:02:32]  ======================================= 
[09:02:33] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777
[09:02:33] Loading Points...
[09:02:33] Loading Families...
[09:02:33] Loading Houses...
[09:02:33] Loading Dynamic Doors...
[09:02:33] Loading Map Icons...
[09:02:33] Loading Dealerships...
[09:02:33] Loading The Pay...
[09:02:33] Loading Gates...
[09:02:33] Loading Garages...
[09:02:33] Loading Businesses...
[09:02:33] Initialising TurfWars...
[09:02:33] Loading Turfs...

your server will loading a lot of scripts together
so you can make some timers or idk some thing esle
but when you want to load 12 scripts O!

idk really

1. Why 0.3e?
2. You must attach crashdetect plugin on your server to detect why your server crashed.
and post that reason here with code.
DL From here.

how odd ! you use many filterscripts!
mix them together and add them in your main gamemode!

Use the crashdetect plugin as suggested above and post result here!

Originally Posted by M3HR4N
Посмотреть сообщение
how odd ! you use many filterscripts!
mix them together and add them in your main gamemode!
There is a limit of 16 filterscripts, so loading only 7 of them doesn't seem so criminal as you are claiming.

but dude i'm not saying about Filterscripts
i'm saying about some scripts inside of gamemode
that server will load them at the starting time
this is what i say:
PHP код:
[09:02:33Loading Points...
09:02:33Loading Families...
09:02:33Loading Houses...
09:02:33Loading Dynamic Doors...
09:02:33Loading Map Icons...
09:02:33Loading Dealerships...
09:02:33Loading The Pay...
09:02:33Loading Gates...
09:02:33Loading Garages...
09:02:33Loading Businesses...
09:02:33Initialising TurfWars...
09:02:33Loading Turfs... 

Alright, Used crashdetect, Here is the info, please reply fast

[18:05:21] [debug] Server crashed while executing csrp6.amx
[18:05:21] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[18:05:21] [debug] #0 native fread () [004057a0] from samp-server.exe
[18:05:21] [debug] #1 00012ba4 in ?? () from csrp6.amx
[18:05:21] [debug] #2 00211114 in public Audio_OnGameModeInit () from csrp6.amx
[18:05:21] [debug] #3 native CallLocalFunction () [00472260] from samp-server.exe
[18:05:21] [debug] #4 0000b5e8 in public SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () from csrp6.amx
[18:05:21] [debug] #5 00005718 in public Timers_OnScriptInit () from csrp6.amx
[18:05:21] [debug] #6 native CallLocalFunction () [00472260] from samp-server.exe
[18:05:21] [debug] #7 000054c4 in public YVers_OnScriptInit () from csrp6.amx
[18:05:21] [debug] #8 native CallLocalFunction () [00472260] from samp-server.exe
[18:05:21] [debug] #9 000041e4 in public zcmd_OnGameModeInit () from csrp6.amx
[18:05:21] [debug] #10 native CallLocalFunction () [00472260] from samp-server.exe
[18:05:21] [debug] #11 00003bdc in public Itter_OnGameModeInit () from csrp6.amx
[18:05:21] [debug] #12 native CallLocalFunction () [00472260] from samp-server.exe
[18:05:21] [debug] #13 00001a84 in public OnGameModeInit () from csrp6.amx
[18:05:21] [debug] Native backtrace:
[18:05:21] [debug] #0 776e2262 in ?? () from C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
[18:05:21] [debug] #1 00491f90 in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[18:05:21] [debug] #2 004925c0 in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[18:05:21] [debug] #3 00404f44 in ?? () from samp-server.exe

A function was used inside OnGameModeInit and crashed the server due to an invalid file handle. Before reading from a file, make sure it's valid.

An example:
pawn Код:
new File: file = fopen(...);
if (file) // valid handle
    // code.. use fread, fwite and fclose inside here.
As for that function that used fread inside, you can find it by compiling with debug info. Re-compile, run the server and check the new logs. It should say its name in "#1 ... in ...(function name here)".

It might be a problem when loading turfs, as that was the last message printed into your server console.

Yeah, And how can fix it then?, It's not possible to look through my whole gamemodeinit.. -.-

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