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Hledбm pawnera | Searching pawner. - Printable Version

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Hledбm pawnera | Searching pawner. - FuX - 09.01.2014

English >>


this way seeking pawner for server San Francisco Bay Role Play.
Pawner that the mod worked for over four years, no longer has time for it to work and actively pursue him.
We are not looking for a one-time pawner several operations, but a man who is willing to work with us in the future, and it actively.

Requirements for applicants:
On the financial side of the deal SZ from here on the site or on my email

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________
Czech >>

Dobrэ den,

touto cestou hledбm pawnera pro server San Francisco Bay Role Play.
Pawner, kterэ na modu pracoval přes 4 roky, jiћ nemб čas na něm aktivně pracovat a věnovat se mu.
Nehledбme jednorбzovйho pawnera pro několik ъkonů, ale člověka, kterэ bude ochoten s nбmi spolupracovat i v budoucnu a to aktivně.

Poћadavky pro zбjemce:
Na finančnн strбnce se dohodneme formou SZ zde na webu či na mйm emailu

Re: Hledбm pawnera | Searching pawner. - offon - 09.01.2014

Welcome to the Forums! I'd recommend you to read the rules first. You might not know, but you can only use English, so take care next time or you might be warned without being noticed.

Also, this is the wrong forum to post this type of topic. You can search for a scripter here:

Good luck with your search!

Re: Hledбm pawnera | Searching pawner. - FuX - 09.01.2014

Ahh sorry sir.
Thank you for your reply.
have a nice night.