i need one little help.. -
ReD_HunTeR - 15.11.2013
Hello guys, i need one little help in zombie apocalypse the time is running to slowly like 250(after 8 seconds)245(again after 8 seconds) 240...
help me to make this as like this 250(after 1seconds) 249(again after 1 second)248.....
here what i found in gammeode:
function OnMapUpdate()
time -= 1;
new str[64];
if(time <= 0) TextDrawSetString(TimeLeft," ..."),KillTimer(mapvar),KillTimer(balvar),SetTimer("ShowCheckpoint",MAX_SHOW_CP_TIME,false);
return 1;
function OnMapBalance()
if(playerOnline >= 2)
if(GetTeamPlayersAlive(TEAM_HUMAN) == 0)
TextDrawSetString(TimeLeft,"~r~Zombies win");
SetTimer("EndMap",4000,false); // Cannot use MAX_END_TIME Because of MAX_END_TIME is set to 1 minute not 4 seconds *NOTE TO ME*
if(team[i] == TEAM_ZOMBIE)
pInfo[i][pXP] += 30;
return 1;
TimeLeft = TextDrawCreate(22.000000, 251.000000, "250");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(TimeLeft, 255);
TextDrawFont(TimeLeft, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(TimeLeft, 1.770000, 3.499999);
TextDrawColor(TimeLeft, 16777215);
TextDrawSetOutline(TimeLeft, 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(TimeLeft, 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(TimeLeft, 1);
Re: i need one little help.. -
Konstantinos - 15.11.2013
What's the interval of OnMapUpdate?
Re: i need one little help.. -
ReD_HunTeR - 15.11.2013
what do you mean?
Re: i need one little help.. -
Konstantinos - 15.11.2013
I mean that SetTimer uses as parameter the interval.
pawn Код:
SetTimer(funcname[], interval, repeating);
So if you want it to be called every second instead of 8, you should use 1000 as interval (in milliseconds - it's 1 second).
pawn Код:
SetTimer("OnMapUpdate", 1000, true);
Re: i need one little help.. -
ReD_HunTeR - 15.11.2013
can you make code of it?, and give it? in [code] {/code]
Re: i need one little help.. -
Konstantinos - 15.11.2013
Originally Posted by BlackBomb
can you make code of it?, and give it? in [code] {/code]
I already did. Look my above post, it says the correct way of setting the timer to 1 second. Replace it with your own one.
Re: i need one little help.. -
ReD_HunTeR - 15.11.2013
i cant find that can you tell me full in or someone else can help me?
Re: i need one little help.. -
Konstantinos - 15.11.2013
Originally Posted by BlackBomb
i cant find that can you tell me full in or someone else can help me?
No, I cannot. I'm able to help you with the information you've given only.
Just press Ctrl + F and type: OnMapUpdate
If it's not in the first result, click on 'Find Next' button until you find a line about SetTimer.
Re: i need one little help.. -
ReD_HunTeR - 15.11.2013
i cant find
SetTimer(funcname[], interval, repeating);
SetTimer("OnMapUpdate", 1000, true);
on gamemode :/
Re: i need one little help.. -
Konstantinos - 15.11.2013
Because they do not exist. I told you to search for "OnMapUpdate" only (without the quotes "" of course).
pawn Код:
SetTimer(funcname[], interval, repeating);
was an example of the parameters of the SetTimer.
pawn Код:
SetTimer("OnMapUpdate", 1000, true);
is the correct one which calls OnMapUpdate every second. You'll need to find where you set the timer about OnMapUpdate in your script and replace it with the above code.