Need a few questions answered. -
Lynet - 04.09.2013
Where's the section to sell something? I'm going to create simply gamemodes for VERY low prices, or even filterscripts, so wheres the section?
Re: Need a few questions answered. -
thefatshizms - 04.09.2013
We don't allow selling here.
Re: Need a few questions answered. -
gtakillerIV - 04.09.2013
It's forbidden for you to sell a Game Mode..etc. Cause you didn't create the SA-MP includes, did you?
Re: Need a few questions answered. -
Lynet - 04.09.2013
So I can't script for money?
Re: Need a few questions answered. -
Konstantinos - 04.09.2013
Selling your script is NOT allowed, however if you go to a thread about
Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here!, someone can pay to you in order to make what they want.
Re: Need a few questions answered. -
kaisersouse - 04.09.2013
You can advertise your services in your signature. You are not allowed to overtly sell or advertise your servies either by new thread or responding to other script-help requests (and offering your services).
Selling scripts is against the SAMP terms-of-service and breaking that TOS will get you kicked off the site.