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Anti Team-Kill - Printable Version

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Anti Team-Kill - nor15 - 30.05.2013

I saw in many CnR servers that Cops when they shoot another Cop , Their Health don't decrease how can i make it , shall i make it with OnPlayerTakeDamage ?

Re: Anti Team-Kill - Onfroi - 30.05.2013

pawn Код:
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, TEAM);
TeamVariable[playerid] = TEAM_SOMETHING;

Re: Anti Team-Kill - Hoborific - 30.05.2013

Re: Anti Team-Kill - nor15 - 30.05.2013

can you make it in code , can't get it , or is there a tutorial or something like this

Re: Anti Team-Kill - Onfroi - 30.05.2013

Originally Posted by nor15
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can you make it in code , can't get it , or is there a tutorial or something like this
Just use this to setup your teams..
pawn Код:
stock TeamOne
     SetPlayerTeam(playerid, TeamOne);
     TeamVariable[playerid] = TeamOne;
     return 1;

stock TeamTwo
     SetPlayerTeam(playerid, TeamTwo);
     TeamVariable[playerid] = TeamTwo;
     return 1;
That will prevent players from the same team kill each other. Recommended to use this stocks OnPlayerRequestClass.

Re: Anti Team-Kill - nor15 - 30.05.2013

You mean For example :
#define TEAM_COPS 0
Stock TeamOne
       SetPlayerTeam(playerid, TeamOne);
       TeamVariable[playerid] = TeamOne;
       return 1;
Public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
     If(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_COPS)
           return 1;

Re: Anti Team-Kill - nor15 - 30.05.2013


Re: Anti Team-Kill - Guest123 - 30.05.2013

show us OnPlayerSpawn

Re: Anti Team-Kill - nor15 - 30.05.2013

I didn;t create it yet , I'm only making an Example , is it right or wrong ?

Re: Anti Team-Kill - GiamPy. - 30.05.2013

The theory is simple.

If a player's team matches to another player's team, those two players with the same team cannot attack each other.