Plz help me i cannot script and therefore am unable to make a gamemode plz create a gamemode for me and send with following
name :Terminator TDM RP login on connection system registeration system classes:mercenarry-resistance-hybrid-Drone-Terminator-machine massters hybrid drone terminator are selected by level 4 admins hybrids have armour 50% terminator level one can fly and have 100% armour terminator level 2 can use /gun /camafloug machine master level one can use /gun /camafloug machine master level two are telekenetic and have the power to aim and control a player teams mercenary-resistance-machines (machines r special) cmds admins /adminchat [msg] /sethybrid [id] /setdrone [id] /setterminator [id] [level] /setmachinemaster [id] [level] /admins-see all admins /setadmin [id] [amount] -making admins for recon admins /tp [id] /freeze [id] /spec [id] /mute [id] [reason] /unfreeze [id] /warn [id] /ban [id/ip] [reason] /unban [ip] [reason] /kick [id] [reason] /fakechat [id] [msg] /givehealth [id] [amount] /givegun [id of player] [gun id] /takehybrid /taketerminator /takemachinemaster REgular /pm [id] [msg] /class -select class /wine -open a wine bottle /beer -same /sprunk /cola /bury [gunaname] [amount] -bury stuff /dig -spade needed for both /spade /changename /menu -all anims /kill -sucuide /fight -view fight styles /Drone [id] -for Drone to locate a player /changepass -changepassword /cmds -all cmds /fly -for drone terminator and machine master /gun -minigun for terminators and machine master /Terminate [id] -capture need to get the player less than hp 30% for drone terminator and machine masters /impersinate -for machine masters to impersinate captured players /camaflouge -for terminator and machine masters /report [id] [reason] /bug [which bug] /afk /back /admin -msg admin Edit:make the map a little like terminator salvation Edit:if u want to help me plz add me on skype mubashir.hassan200089 if not on skype then fb http://www.********.com/mubashir.hassan.3958 Edit:iam 14 so therefore cannot pay for your services thankk you for your time and plz help |