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Checkpoint issue (bug) - Printable Version

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Checkpoint issue (bug) - Mishima - 21.03.2013

Hi everyone, im doing a teleport that has checkpoints.
The command goes from /cp 1 to /cp 5

When I change from a command to another, this happens with the checkpoint.
I'm not using any custom objects on any of the commands and this is happening always..
Also on teleporting im creating a vehicle and putting the player in it, though don't think it has anything to do with it.
In case you guys ask, yes Im using DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); before everytime I use the command.
Will be happy with some feeback on this.

And then after using /cp 5 to /cp 2 once again this happens

EDIT: When the teleport changes the checkpoint from one to the other, the next checkpoint will get the "z" coordinate of the last checkpoint.

Re: Checkpoint issue (bug) - Mishima - 22.03.2013


Re: Checkpoint issue (bug) - Mishima - 23.03.2013


Re: Checkpoint issue (bug) - Mishima - 25.03.2013


Re: Checkpoint issue (bug) - Mishima - 28.03.2013
