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Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons :( ??? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons :( ??? (/showthread.php?tid=399752)

nothing soz - gurmani11 - 15.12.2012


Re: Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons :( ??? - Azazelo - 15.12.2012

Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons?

Questions :
You want players have weapons when they spawn?
You want give players weapons when they spawn?
You want remove players weapons when they spawn?

Re: Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons :( ??? - gurmani11 - 15.12.2012


Re: Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons :( ??? - gurmani11 - 15.12.2012


Re: Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons :( ??? - park4bmx - 15.12.2012

just add "GivePlayerWeapon" after a "else" statment

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if(is_player_in_dm[playerid] == 0)
//your code
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 30, 500);//AK47 with 500 Amo
//So on....
if you want different guns in other teams then you will need to set up variables with teams.

Re: Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons :( ??? - gurmani11 - 15.12.2012


Re: Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons :( ??? - park4bmx - 15.12.2012

reset the WorldBounds
pawn Код:
SetPlayerWorldBounds(playerid,20000.0000, -20000.0000, 20000.0000, -20000.0000.);
And if it still shows that then you went very far of the map.

Re: Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons :( ??? - gurmani11 - 15.12.2012

: clucker::cluck er:

Re: Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons :( ??? - park4bmx - 15.12.2012

then your too far off the map you will have to change your pos.

Re: Player cannot respawn in dm with weapons :( ??? - gurmani11 - 15.12.2012
