Animation of Trunk - Printable Version
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Animation of Trunk -
milanosie - 24.08.2012
Quick question, I can't find it.
Anybody know the name of the animation for opening and closing a cartrunk?
Thanks in advance,
Re: Animation of Trunk -
RedJohn - 24.08.2012
- /engine - Turn on and off your vehicle's engine.
- /lock - Lock and unlock your vehicle's doors.
- /lights - Turn on and off your vehicle's lights.
- /hood - Open and close your vehicle's hood/bonnet.
- /trunk - Open and close your vehicle's trunk/boot.
Re: Animation of Trunk -
milanosie - 24.08.2012
Originally Posted by RedJohn
- /engine - Turn on and off your vehicle's engine.
- /lock - Lock and unlock your vehicle's doors.
- /lights - Turn on and off your vehicle's lights.
- /hood - Open and close your vehicle's hood/bonnet.
- /trunk - Open and close your vehicle's trunk/boot.
You are clearly not reading,
I'm asking for the ANIMATION, not the opening/closing of the trunk.
Re: Animation of Trunk -
RedJohn - 24.08.2012
I think there is no animation.
Re: Animation of Trunk -
Riddick94 - 24.08.2012
NAME: "POOL_Place_White"
@Up, don't think too much.
Re: Animation of Trunk -
milanosie - 24.08.2012
Originally Posted by RedJohn
I think there is no animation.
Obviously there is,
Originally Posted by Riddick94
NAME: "POOL_Place_White"
@Up, don't think too much.
Thank you, I'll try it.
Re: Animation of Trunk -
clarencecuzz - 24.08.2012
I distinctly remember the police opening the boot of a guy's car in the 'Valet mission', or at least holding it open. And I have a feeling it's one of these:
Library: 'Police'
NOTE: Untested.
Re: Animation of Trunk -
zT KiNgKoNg - 15.09.2012
nope iv tested them at there like a frisk / plant drugs animation
Re: Animation of Trunk -
Rifa4life - 23.08.2014
Originally Posted by Riddick94
NAME: "POOL_Place_White
This is the one, kids.