31.03.2012, 01:09

This is my first filterscript, weighing in at a mere 145 lines. It is a quick and easy way to get out of having to script vehicle-controlling commands for your beginning roleplay (or whatever else type of server may require these commands) server. I've only been scripting for a little over a month, but I use the commands myself and have found them quite reliable. The commands are scripted in Ycmd and include the following:
- /engine - Turn on and off your vehicle's engine.
- /lock - Lock and unlock your vehicle's doors.
- /lights - Turn on and off your vehicle's lights.
- /hood - Open and close your vehicle's hood/bonnet.
- /trunk - Open and close your vehicle's trunk/boot.
- Download the DVC.rar and YCMD.
- Place the YCMD file in your pawno/includes folder.
- Place DVC.pwn and DVC.amx in your server directory/filterscripts.
- Open your server.cfg and add "DVC" after the word "filterscripts" (one space).
- If you do not already have it, open your script and add ManualVehicleEngineAndLights(); under your OnGameModeInit callback.
- Run your server, and try out the commands!
A screen showing what you will get on use of /engine. The same applies for the other commands, though obviously with the respective text: http://i.imgur.com/n7Xhp.png
- Version 1.0 - Initial Release
- /lock currently only works when inside of a vehicle. Using the command and exiting the vehicle would cause yourself to be locked out of the vehicle.
- MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/?a585lo84kjjqdai
- Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/yep1WMj0