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Is vehicle valid. - Printable Version

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Is vehicle valid. - CoaPsyFactor - 01.07.2012

Hi there,

Is there any way to check is some vehicle id valid, I looked for function but I found only IsVehicleStreamedIn, and it returns just is vehicle spawned for that player, I need something that could say vehicle with that id is spawned, example, I have 5 cars, and I want to check is there car with id 9.

If anyone know something please help

Thanks in advance.

Re: Is vehicle valid. - Beginerinprogress - 01.07.2012

I think You should try making a Specvehicle command a specvehicle fs

Hope i helped you

Re: Is vehicle valid. - Yuryfury - 01.07.2012

What I've done in the past is do GetVehicleModel(vid), if it equaled zero, that meant there is no such vehicleid.

Re: Is vehicle valid. - ReneG - 01.07.2012

INVALID_VEHICLE_ID is defined in the samp include.
pawn Код:
stock IsVehicleValid(vehicleid)
    if(vehicleid != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) return 1;
    else return 0;

Re: Is vehicle valid. - JaTochNietDan - 01.07.2012

Originally Posted by VincentDunn
Посмотреть сообщение
INVALID_VEHICLE_ID is defined in the samp include.
pawn Код:
stock IsVehicleValid(vehicleid)
    if(vehicleid != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) return 1;
    else return 0;
Have you tested that code? Do you think it would return 0 if I had 0 vehicles in my server and I did this:

pawn Код:
printf("Return value: %i", IsVehicleValid(5));
Test it out with a vehicle ID that isn't valid and tell me if it works.

In the meantime, a good answer that works was provided by Yuryfury.

Re: Is vehicle valid. - pasha97 - 01.07.2012

IsValideVehicle exists:

Re: Is vehicle valid. - CoaPsyFactor - 01.07.2012

thanks pasha