[Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
Vince - 23.09.2011
Some traffic signs I created, in the hope that they would get added to the SA-MP default custom img file (see this topic:
The package includes 16 European styled (more specific, Belgian) traffic signs, all of equal dimension and on a flat pane. Comes with an optional (rather thick) pole that the signs can be mounted to. Also includes a simple example filterscript with a command /changesign to swap quicly between the different signs (so you can see them one by one). The location is the same as shown in the screenshots, near Grove Street. The arrow sign can of course be rotated in any direction.
The pole has been assigned objectid 19412, the signs occupy 19413 - 19428. You can of course change these if you need to, to suit your own needs. (I already have some custom stuff, so I kept on numbering).
Notice: If you decide to use these objects in your scripts, then the model files will - still - not automatically distribute among your players. You need to supply them with the custom.img and custom.ide yourself!
Screenshots of each individual sign can be found in this album:
Most notably:
SA-MP Traffic Sign objects
Copyright © 2011 Vince0789
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Please rate and comment.
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
Mark_Weston - 23.09.2011
This is nice, great for RP.
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
Brad™ - 23.09.2011
Looks good, and realistic, nice job.
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
TheLazySloth - 23.09.2011
NVM... this is good =D
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
Andrejs - 24.09.2011
Nice one, taking them
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
GangsTa_ - 24.09.2011
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
Dairyll - 24.09.2011
Me like.
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
[MWR]Blood - 24.09.2011
Good job, what about the speed limits?
Re : [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
deliocomrp - 24.09.2011
Ils sont trop europйens …
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
Rapgangsta - 24.09.2011
its too short ;(
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
Anzhelov - 24.09.2011
Looks very nice. I'm gonna test it right now.
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
DaNeE17 - 23.01.2012
How can i convert this to MTA? Cuze, i want mapping with this! :S
Re: Re : [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
justsomeguy - 23.01.2012
Originally Posted by deliocomrp
Ils sont trop europйens …
English only, read the rules pl0x.
Looks great, but what is the middle sign used for?(My trafficle knowledge is very low)
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
Dredd - 23.01.2012
This is awesom!
I'm from belgium to:
Hoe kun je ervoor zorgen dat ze in de server komen ( hoe mappen ) en hoe zorg je ervoor dat andere players het kunnen zien ? :/
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
Luis- - 23.01.2012
Maybe make a "Give Way" sign! Looks amazing.
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
Jay_ - 23.01.2012
If you want these to be added to any future SA-MP versions you should make it more noticeable, try bringing it to the attention of one of the beta testers for example.
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
SiEx - 24.01.2012
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
davve95 - 24.01.2012
Very nice! 10/10
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
MP2 - 24.01.2012
Nice, but you say they are 'Belgium styled'. They should be American. GTA: SA is set in America. The stop sign is great though. Actually, they're the same signs we use in the UK.
Here's some ideas for similar stuff:
Edit the 'detour' sign to make the arrow point the other way (duplicate the object).
Make a taller traffic cone (the only existent one in the game is tiny).
Temporary traffic lights (the ones that stand on the sidewalk/road with the generator when roadworks are on)
Some flags like in CTF/domination in COD. The only flags SA:MP has is the little green one - not great for CTF/domination. Some taller ones would be great.
Some animals! Chickens, sheep, bears etc.
Some texture-less objects that can be used to create collision.
A flat-screen TV (already exists?)
An iPhone and iPad.
A kettle (exists?)
Chocolate bars.
A pigeon (could be used like GTA IV hidden packages)
Originally Posted by Jay_
If you want these to be added to any future SA-MP versions you should send a pm to a member of the team, like Kalcor for example or mayb dugi. Otherwise, I doubt these will get noticed.
Cessil would be my first guy. He's the one who's currently working on SAMP.img.
Re: [Custom Model] Traffic Signs -
Kazuo - 27.01.2012
how to instal ?