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What bothers you about sa-mp? - Printable Version

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What bothers you about sa-mp? - Jack_Rocker - 04.09.2011

What Bothers You About SA-MP?

Okay, people are starting to get a bit hot under the collar about the way things run, and I am making this thread so it is soley the only place that people can let out a bit of steam...

I will explain to you what gets on my nerves:

Peoples Advertisments. 99% of the time people post server ads like "plz cum play on me serverz its well cool and well made by myself"... yeah okay if you cant SPELL then you most definately cant script

Spam. OH MY ACTUAL LORD, people need to be able to report spam posts and spam advertisments, I personally think a reporting section in the forums would go down a treat.

Peoples attitude, okay I know there are people out there that purely just want an argument, why flame?

Servers. People are always opening them and then shutting them the day after, and then advertising them as well, my lord are they stupid or what?

Anyway thats what bothers me, what about you...

Dont Flame Please! Wheres the love? :P

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - lolumadd_ - 04.09.2011

Immature people and people who rant on forums....Also, everything you said above me are not about sa-mp, they are about people who play sa-mp. So the correct title would be "What bothers you about people?"

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - [03]Garsino - 04.09.2011

Retarded people on #sa-mp

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - FireCat - 04.09.2011

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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Retarded people on #sa-mp

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Lorenc_ - 04.09.2011

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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Retarded people on #sa-mp


Roleplay servers that try hard to get 100 players like NG-RP....

Originally Posted by Bakr
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These type of people.
+1, repped

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - 0_o - 04.09.2011

well, the same walking style, old objects, old chatbox, and GTA:SA Menu.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - =WoR=Bruno - 04.09.2011

Originally Posted by 0_o
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well, the same walking style, old objects, old chatbox, and GTA:SA Menu.
Custom Objects FTW!! ^^

And Also this:


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Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Jack_Rocker - 04.09.2011

Originally Posted by 0_o
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well, the same walking style, old objects, old chatbox, and GTA:SA Menu.
Yeah, I think SA-MP should customise all that!

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Zh3r0 - 04.09.2011

What bothers me? A BIG PILE OF NOTHING!

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Steven82 - 04.09.2011

I think SA-MP is perfect as is. This mod will last a long time even if it stayed in this current release stage, unless some tragic bug was found. But other than that, like Zh3r0 said nothing.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Jack_Rocker - 04.09.2011

Originally Posted by Steven82
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I think SA-MP is perfect as is. This mod will last a long time even if it stayed in this current release stage, unless some tragic bug was found. But other than that, like Zh3r0 said nothing.
True that although, why does sa-mp develop new releases other than to fix bugs? To make it more enjoyable, nothings without its faults...

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Code_Red - 04.09.2011

It ain't got no pancake mix.

The reason why i have no interest in this mod anymore is the same reason why i don't play Call of duty that often.
The idea behind Grand theft auto is simple. You find a gun, you shot people and you steal cars. Its simple and any child can do it. This brings a whole lot of children into the community (this and the fact that it is very cool to be a criminal in today's world). Once these kids spend a certain amount of time in this mod and have gotten to know some people from the Sa-mp community they wish to earn the respect of those people and think that starting a server is going to help them reach that goal. And while Pawn is a very simple language some of them don't have the patience to learn so they use other scripts. Usually these owners lack the amount of patience and intelligence to run such a big project and 90% of these servers turn out to be nothing but spam in the Sa-mp server list.
You could ignore these servers but if you ignore 90% of Sa-mp's servers, how would you be able to find a truly good server? its not like you can know how good a server is just by reading about it.

I do not blame any one for this chain of events nor do i think anything can be done against it. I can not blame the younger people of the community for doing the actions i described above because its natural for kids in their age to do this.
This is just what you get when you play a simple mod such as Sa-mp. Complaining and taking action will only waste our precious time.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 04.09.2011

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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Retarded people on #sa-mp
Lol, ye -.-, all of you want me dead on #sa-mp, and i got banned bcz of you.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - sherlock - 04.09.2011

People that join servers and just say "can i be admin?? i can bring 50 friends!"

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - linuxthefish - 04.09.2011

idiots that annoy me

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Ash. - 04.09.2011


(I'm not advertising my thread or anything, just see no point in re-writing it all)

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - [MNC]Azz - 05.09.2011

12 year olds and admin wanabe spammers...
just damn annoying GRRR

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - -Roleplay- - 05.09.2011

NON RPerz , and Forumz spammers

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Kar - 05.09.2011

People like linuxthefish.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - linuxthefish - 05.09.2011

The guy above annoys me a lot, also the guy above him.