Downloading and running scripts

Downloading Scripts for Public Servers
Alright, something's bothering me lately.

First off, I'd like to apologise if I annoy anyone with the content of this thread, it's just I want to know what others think to (though no action would be taken...)

Downloading scripts, and running them on public servers, hoping to get players. Now I understand that some people are going to say "Ohhh but peeople neeedz them cuz' they cn't script". If you can't script, then why are you bothering? You won't be able to even EDIT the gamemode you've downloaded, so your server is not unique at all.

I HATE, people that download scripts, and feel that they've achieved something. Then, theres servers that are 'new' in the world of servers, with unique scripts, scripted from scratch, line 0, who struggle to get more than one or two players.

I can almost guarantee if all the servers that are using downloaded gamemodes, the "Servers Online" count would drop considerably.

"But, funky1234, that's awful for SAMP" (You)
Yes, I agree. But, look at it this way; due to this download frenzy, people with unique gamemodes are getting shutdown. Is that not bad for SAMP too?

If you, the person reading this, have downloaded a gamemode, ask yourself, do you feel like you've achieved something? I guess you have, moved your mouse, clicked a link, in fact did you even touch the keyboard to type more than your RCON password, and hostname (being "UNQIUE NU GAMEMODDDEEEE!!!", when you set your server up?

I just want to know what you all think, whether you own a server or not. If you own a server that runs a downloaded script, tell me what you think about what i've said, and tell me if you've achieved something.

Note: My server is a unique, scratch-scripted gamemode, so I think I'm in fair position to post this.

Note 2: If there are any flame wars going on in this thread, between anyone, I'll merely remove this post (the original post) and request forum staff remove it. I only want to find out what others think, not start arguments and flame wars.

Note 3: This is not aimed at people that download scripts to LEARN from them, I have nothing against that, and in my opinions that's what they should be used for. Just, if you're learning from them, that doesn't mean you need to run a public server!

Could'nt agree more, +rep for this. I love unique gamemodes too, that's why i don't like to use code from someone else, even if it's 10 lines long or something.


Originally Posted by -Danny-
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Could'nt agree more, +rep for this. I love unique gamemodes too, that's why i don't like to use code from someone else, even if it's 10 lines long or something.
I actually feel exactly the same way! I don't like others touching my code either, because then it feels someones put something in my gamemode that, isn't mine!

It bothers me too , I mean the server list is just full of tons of downloaded scripts and all the unique ones are hiding away in there... so it is hard these sa-mp days to find one of those servers without bumping into one that looks nice but is in fact downloaded, that is what annoys me too. same with the hosted list really, the other day I found a really nice server which has 200+ maps but only has about 14 players, entirely from scratch... it's just sad.

You can't always blame the people who download and open a server, you can blame the ones who release too. I love it how some server gets really popular, people see it, play it, copy its script and release it. Hackers are the most painful thing and people REALLY want hacked scripts. They think that if they open a server on the hacked script from some popular server, they get popular. You have to think twice!

Also, i've removed most of my maps from SA-MP forums and i'm not releasing any more either. If you want something, make it yourself.

Depends on the players, if they like the script or not.
No-body asks you.

Well the biggest problems are:

1.Hackers ruining the fun
2.Admins/Owners that are power hungry
3.Similar servers or even a copy's

Originally Posted by DRIFT_HUNTER
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Well the biggest problems are:

1.Hackers ruining the fun
2.Admins/Owners that are power hungry
3.Similar servers or even a copy's
That's what I don't like.
Atleast, my server doesn't have hackers, and my administration team isn't power hungry.
IMO, my server isn't really much of a copy, maybe it is using a PR-RP edit, but it's edited alot and in a diffrent location.

This topic has mostly been brought up because of the mass usage of some scripts, like the GodFather and Raven's Roleplay. In general, I don't see any problems with using a released script - If you release a script on the forums, you'd usually like to see people using it.

I knew a kid who downloaded a lot of different scripts (A gamemode and a bunch o' filterscripts) from the forums and to be honest, his server looked quite cool.

I don't care about people using released scripts, as long as they don't call it their own work (Had some experiences, won't call any names).

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