LuxAdmin And Samp-Bans into one..?? -
Ronaldo_raul™ - 29.08.2011
Hello guys i am using Luxadmin as my admin script and i want to combine the codes of luxadmin and this
Samp-bans when i ban someone it would state a log in the ban logs in the luxadmin logs as well as it will also add a ban on the ban hosting site..!
Thank You For Your Time! I hope someone help me ..!
Re: LuxAdmin And Samp-Bans into one..?? -
[MWR]Blood - 29.08.2011
You can copy the Samp bans FS into the luxadmin fs, replacing the ban command, but leaving the code that writes into the ban log.
Re: LuxAdmin And Samp-Bans into one..?? -
Ronaldo_raul™ - 29.08.2011
Originally Posted by Delux13
You can copy the Samp bans FS into the luxadmin fs, replacing the ban command, but leaving the code that writes into the ban log.
Lolz ...dude it tried hundred ways i got errors..! i really dont want my luxadmin to be messed up..!
Re: LuxAdmin And Samp-Bans into one..?? -
[MWR]Blood - 29.08.2011
Maybe because you didn't include the mysql include.
You needs plugins too.
Re: LuxAdmin And Samp-Bans into one..?? -
Ronaldo_raul™ - 29.08.2011
Originally Posted by Delux13
Maybe because you didn't include the mysql include.
You needs plugins too.
dude it doesn't uses mysql..~!
Re: LuxAdmin And Samp-Bans into one..?? -
iPLEOMAX - 29.08.2011
I didn't 'use' LuxAdmin or SA-MP bans Yet, just seen them. But I guess these ideas could help you out a bit:
- Copy the samp ban FS into Lux.
- Convert the ban commands of the FS into a function:
pawn Код:
COMMAND:ban(playerid, params[])
if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: You need to be logged in as an RCON administrator to perform this!");
if(sscanf(params, "uis", ban_target, ban_time, ban_reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BAN]: Correct usage -> /ban <player> <time (minutes)> <reason>");
if(!IsPlayerConnected(ban_target)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: Player was not found!");
if(ban_time < 0) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: Please input a valid ban time!");
format(post_string, sizeof(post_string), "action=addban&apikey="#APIKEY"&ban_user=%s&ban_reason=%s&ban_admin=%s&ban_ip=%s&ban_time=%d",names[ban_target], ban_reason, names[playerid], ips[ban_target], ban_time);
HTTP(playerid, HTTP_POST, APIPATH, post_string, "OnBanResponse");
return 1;
pawn Код:
stock SampBan(ban_target, ban_time, ban_reason)
format(post_string, sizeof(post_string), "action=addban&apikey="#APIKEY"&ban_user=%s&ban_reason=%s&ban_admin=%s&ban_ip=%s&ban_time=%d",names[ban_target], ban_reason, names[playerid], ips[ban_target], ban_time);
HTTP(playerid, HTTP_POST, APIPATH, post_string, "OnBanResponse");
Similarly convert the other commands and remove unnecessary variables.
- Now in the /ban command of LuxAdmin, add this:
SampBan(targetid, time/*0 if permanent*/, reason);
- And Copy the OnPlayerConnect functions on the FS into LuxAdmin OnPlayerConnect.
Re: LuxAdmin And Samp-Bans into one..?? -
Ronaldo_raul™ - 29.08.2011
Originally Posted by iPLEOMAX
I didn't 'use' LuxAdmin or SA-MP bans Yet, just seen them. But I guess these ideas could help you out a bit:
- Copy the samp ban FS into Lux.
- Convert the ban commands of the FS into a function:
pawn Код:
COMMAND:ban(playerid, params[]) { if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: You need to be logged in as an RCON administrator to perform this!"); if(sscanf(params, "uis", ban_target, ban_time, ban_reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BAN]: Correct usage -> /ban <player> <time (minutes)> <reason>"); if(!IsPlayerConnected(ban_target)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: Player was not found!"); if(ban_time < 0) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: Please input a valid ban time!");
format(post_string, sizeof(post_string), "action=addban&apikey="#APIKEY"&ban_user=%s&ban_reason=%s&ban_admin=%s&ban_ip=%s&ban_time=%d",names[ban_target], ban_reason, names[playerid], ips[ban_target], ban_time);
HTTP(playerid, HTTP_POST, APIPATH, post_string, "OnBanResponse");
Kick(ban_target); return 1; }
pawn Код:
stock SampBan(ban_target, ban_time, ban_reason) { format(post_string, sizeof(post_string), "action=addban&apikey="#APIKEY"&ban_user=%s&ban_reason=%s&ban_admin=%s&ban_ip=%s&ban_time=%d",names[ban_target], ban_reason, names[playerid], ips[ban_target], ban_time);
HTTP(playerid, HTTP_POST, APIPATH, post_string, "OnBanResponse");
Kick(ban_target); }
Similarly convert the other commands and remove unnecessary variables.
- Now in the /ban command of LuxAdmin, add this: SampBan(targetid, time/*0 if permanent*/, reason);
- And Copy the OnPlayerConnect functions on the FS into LuxAdmin OnPlayerConnect.
Gives me
pawn Код:
E:\vyom\My Pen Drive\GTA San Andreas\my new stunt server(upgraded)\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(5216) : error 017: undefined symbol "targetid"
E:\vyom\My Pen Drive\GTA San Andreas\my new stunt server(upgraded)\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(12279) : warning 219: local variable "ban_target" shadows a variable at a preceding level
E:\vyom\My Pen Drive\GTA San Andreas\my new stunt server(upgraded)\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(12279) : warning 219: local variable "ban_time" shadows a variable at a preceding level
E:\vyom\My Pen Drive\GTA San Andreas\my new stunt server(upgraded)\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(12279) : warning 219: local variable "ban_reason" shadows a variable at a preceding level
E:\vyom\My Pen Drive\GTA San Andreas\my new stunt server(upgraded)\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(12281) : error 017: undefined symbol "playerid"
E:\vyom\My Pen Drive\GTA San Andreas\my new stunt server(upgraded)\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(12283) : error 017: undefined symbol "playerid"
E:\vyom\My Pen Drive\GTA San Andreas\my new stunt server(upgraded)\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(12592) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "ban_reason"
E:\vyom\My Pen Drive\GTA San Andreas\my new stunt server(upgraded)\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(12592) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "ban_target"
E:\vyom\My Pen Drive\GTA San Andreas\my new stunt server(upgraded)\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(12592) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "ban_time"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
3 Errors.
Re: LuxAdmin And Samp-Bans into one..?? -
iPLEOMAX - 29.08.2011
As I said, you have to delete unnecessary variables.
(like the global ones, on top of script: ban_target, ban_time, ban_reason, not others btw);
The stock should look like:
stock SampBan(playerid, ban_target, ban_time, ban_reason[]) which i forgot to mention before.
And change things accordingly, I can't predict everything perfectly.
and targetid should be something like otherplayerid, or the variable of playerid who is getting banned.