which gm is PR-RP? - Printable Version
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which gm is PR-RP? -
universe - 12.12.2010
which show me the thread please!
Re: which gm is PR-RP? -
Meinstad - 12.12.2010
They use a edit of PenLS and GF
Respuesta: which gm is PR-RP? -
RatHack - 12.12.2010
Search in Gamemodes section.
Re: which gm is PR-RP? -
universe - 12.12.2010
i dont no the full name, pronton gaming? project reallity?
Re: which gm is PR-RP? -
Meinstad - 12.12.2010
project reallity
Re: which gm is PR-RP? -
universe - 12.12.2010
thank you :P
Re: which gm is PR-RP? -
GrantLea - 12.12.2010
Yes, As stated before, Its Project-Reality Roleplay, I have tried on several occasions to run the script, Failing as it is HIGHLY Bugged, I strongly suggest unless you know what you are doing, not to use this script.
Re: which gm is PR-RP? -
[IB]Scorcher - 12.12.2010
Project Reality Roleplay was based on my script LA-RP(Los Angeles Roleplay). Which I converted to Project Reality Roleplay when I owned it
Re: which gm is PR-RP? -
Grim_ - 12.12.2010
You can find their source code here,
Re: which gm is PR-RP? -
Mr187 - 12.12.2010
Project Reality doesn't use any gamemode edits anymore. The last time we used LA-RP was October 2009. This was because we took over in July 2009 and worked on editing Pen:LS to the same way of the LA-RP layout and was released in October. And the last time we used Pen:LS was August 2010.
Our script is created by scratch now days and was made through the whole summer, no coding/script is from any gamemode.