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What do you do in Sunday? - Printable Version

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What do you do in Sunday? - Falcon Interceptor - 30.10.2010

Well, most of peoples have routine things to do. Especially on Sunday
What do you do on Sunday?

Maybe, getting up at 8 AM, then wash your dogs or some..

The activity you do must be repeated at the next week. [ Habits ]

Just wondering

Get up early at 07.30 AM, then change clothes. Get some coffee and eat some breakfast. Go swim if the weather is good. Go back home it's already about 12 PM in the afternoon. And rest is mostly play computer. And just take a nap or some.

Re: What do you do in Sunday? - Scenario - 30.10.2010

This is a pretty useless thread... I go to church, come home and do some school work. After that I check my voicemail and email and make sure I don't have any sales for my small company I should take care of. When that's done, either I come here, do some scripting or work on my own community.

Re: What do you do in Sunday? - iFrost - 30.10.2010

Get up at 9 AM, one of my parents make me an omelette. I eat it, watch some TV, then go on the computer.

Lol, that's my Sunday. The rest of the week is fulltime school and work D:

Re: What do you do in Sunday? - Tails - 30.10.2010

What do I do on a regular Sunday?
I do my homework, stay on the PC a bit, cry because I haven't done anything that I have planned to finish, cry myself to sleep because I've got nothing else to do.
And no, I'm not emo. Just really bored. *Cough*

Re: What do you do in Sunday? - Grim_ - 30.10.2010

Get up and workout (if it is a day for me to do so), eat breakfast and go over to some friends house to watch the football games. Occasionally if I can't go there, I'll watch them at home while doing some computer tasks. When the games are over, I'll go and hang out till around 11, when I come in, eat, shower, and go to sleep.

Re: What do you do in Sunday? - Burridge - 30.10.2010

Get up, go on the wii. Come on the PC later in the afternoon, sort some things out on my Server. Go back to the wii.

Re: What do you do in Sunday? - Las Venturas CNR - 30.10.2010

Computer, most of the day. I hate church, it's pointless...

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Re: What do you do in Sunday? - [SVRPG]Falcon - 30.10.2010

Wake up at noon.
Eat lunch
Go on Computer
Eat Dinner
Go back on PC
And the day is over :P

Re: What do you do in Sunday? - Zh3r0 - 30.10.2010

I chillax! No matter what! It's SUNDAY! No any kind of work!

Re: What do you do in Sunday? - Hiddos - 30.10.2010

The same as saturday.