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Increasing Weapon Damage - Printable Version

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Increasing Weapon Damage - Garc1a - 24.07.2010

Can anyone tell me how to increase weapon damage?

Re: Increasing Weapon Damage - baske007 - 24.07.2010

As far as I know this is unpossible. Maybe you can do it with a workaround, with functions like isaiming at, getplayerweapon and key recognition... But this isn't possibl straight away

Re: Increasing Weapon Damage - bartje01 - 24.07.2010

yup impossible.
You can set everyone their health to 50.
So they will die faster too.



Re: Increasing Weapon Damage - Garc1a - 24.07.2010

LS-RP have done it

Re: Increasing Weapon Damage - bartje01 - 24.07.2010

o really? Than they maybe made a OnPlayerAttack. But that will cost days of work I think.

Re: Increasing Weapon Damage - VictorMartinez - 24.07.2010

Originally Posted by bartje01
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yup impossible.
You can set everyone their health to 50.
So they will die faster too.


LOL that"s classic

Re: Increasing Weapon Damage - Grim_ - 24.07.2010

You can see if they're aiming at the player, holding down KEY_FIRE, and what weapon they are. Depending on the weapon, decrease the players health more by x%.

Also, be aware when you have lower skill weapon the damage isn't as great. Like when you have low still level with desert eagle, it inflicts less damage then it would if you had a higher skill level.