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Cars spawning in wrong places ? - Printable Version

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Cars spawning in wrong places ? - Zeromanster - 24.04.2010

So i noticed that some of my cars spawn on wrong places, it's a couple of meters away from their actual spawn and when i want to teleport to them i teleport on their actual spawn and not to the desired car.

I also noticed that this effects only the cars in my stream range and once ther unstreamed some of them (not all of them) return to their actual spawn.

Then accidentaly i changed my spawn place and all the cars spawned normal again, and when i changed my spawn to the first one the cars went crazy again.

The spawn is the Johnson's house, and when i spawn inside it, cars outside it have a bug with their spawn...

I wouldn't like to change my spawn place only because of that nasty bug, but if i can't find a solution i'll just have to.

So did anyone ever experience something like this? And hopefuly found a solution? Thanks.

Re: Cars spawning in wrong places ? - DarkAssassin - 24.04.2010

Try a vehicle streamer?

Re: Cars spawning in wrong places ? - Zeromanster - 24.04.2010

SA:MP already has built-in one.

Re: Cars spawning in wrong places ? - _Vortex - 24.04.2010

It only supports 2000 cars, so if you're over that, get a streamer. If not, try a streamer anyways.

Re: Cars spawning in wrong places ? - Zeromanster - 24.04.2010

I have less than 300, and i surely don't need a streamer.

Re: Cars spawning in wrong places ? - _Vortex - 24.04.2010

Trying one won't hurt. I've heard of people having few cars and having the same problem and they tried a streamer and it fixed it.

Re: Cars spawning in wrong places ? - Zeromanster - 24.04.2010

That was before 0.3 came out, 0.3 suposed to fix the bug of not spawning cars in the right places.

Re: Cars spawning in wrong places ? - _Vortex - 24.04.2010

Like I said, it wouldn't hurt to try it.

Re: Cars spawning in wrong places ? - Calgon - 24.04.2010

Originally Posted by _Vortex
Like I said, it wouldn't hurt to try it.
Actually, it would. SA:MP has a built in vehicle streamer, using a secondary streamer would be illogical and stupid.

It may have been a smart move in 0.2, but it's really not in 0.3.

Re: Cars spawning in wrong places ? - Joe Staff - 24.04.2010

The vehicle's position changes (more often than not) because it falls through the ground due to the ground not loading in time to catch it. Try changing the vehicle's Z position by like 0.5