Gate - Printable Version
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Gate -
RoneyRemington - 25.02.2010
Is there any reason why gates wouldn't work on my server? I've tried every gate on aGateGenerator as a filterscript and the dont work
Re: Gate -
Torran - 25.02.2010
Got a code? Not really much information to work with..
Re: Gate -
Correlli - 25.02.2010
You'll need to give us more information and your code if you want some help.
Re: Gate -
[LSR]State_Trooper - 26.02.2010
There are several reason's I can think off, One would be you havnt added a command under OnPlayerCommandText or You aven't made the gate eg: gate1 = CreateObject(11111,1,1,1,0,0,0); etc.
Re: Gate -
RoneyRemington - 26.02.2010
#include <a_samp>
new BrandonGate1;
forward BrandonGate1Timer(playerid);
public OnFilterScriptInit()
BrandonGate1 = CreateObject(969, 1530.947265625, 96.14453125, 28.636119842529, 0, 0, 25.801391601563);
SetTimer("BrandonGate1Timer", 1000, 1);
public BrandonGate1Timer(playerid)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 1530.947265625, 96.14453125, 28.636119842529))
MoveObject(BrandonGate1, 1538.9044189453, 100.001953125, 28.584012985229, 2);
MoveObject(BrandonGate1, 1530.947265625, 96.14453125, 28.636119842529, 2);
now for some reason the code doesnt work at all i have had the script made by aGateGenerator and none even move at all. you can see the gate tho
Re: Gate -
RoneyRemington - 26.02.2010
Re: Gate -
GTAguillaume - 26.02.2010